Mike, I've done all but the cylinder drop test. I'm a little wary of that process. When I've done it in the past, I've been popped a few times. Not fun.There are *a lot* of suggestions on this thread that you never reported back on...have you tried them?
Ha, true. Thick gloves + pliersMike, I've done all but the cylinder drop test. I'm a little wary of that process. When I've done it in the past, I've been popped a few times. Not fun.
This was the biggest concern waaaay at the beginning of the thread. Are your plugs black again? It's plenty economical to junk it and throw on a standard carb. I've never mucked with one, but jumping 12v to it with the engine off should let you hear if it's at least trying to work. Too late for me to go looking through the manual to see how to test it, but would probably be good homework for you...Edit to add I also haven't successfully tested the TKS module. I'm not positive how to do it and it's not economical to replace.
Thanks, Rick. I'm going to get a piston stop and mark true TDC, as you recommended. I've also done significant reading on the TKS and it appears that the plunger inside the TKS retracts when the engine is cold and enriched fuel is pulled into the intake and, when the engine gets warm, the plunger inside extends and closes off the enrichment process. I'm going to pull my TKS module and see if I can apply 12v and see how it behaves.Try running a hose from a gas can to the fuel pump and run it on fresh gas.
Idle jet adjustment is a suggested starting point, not a tuned setting. However, I have yet to see a carburetor that was up to spec need to be 3 or 4 turns out.
One of the ways to determine TDC is pull all the plugs so the motor manually turns easier. Remove the pulley off the harmonic balancer and stick a bit longer bolts in the balancer's threaded holes. Use those with a bar to manually and controlled turn the motor. Use a rod, or pencil or whatever will stick through the spark plug hole a fixed distance. Turn the motor to where the #1 piston is coming up on compression but still 10 to 20º shy of TDC. Mark your pencil. Use a felt pen to mark the balancer where the timing mark is. Use the bar to turn the motor past TDC about the same amount and then fine tune position so the pencil mark is at the same place. Mark the balancer. Halfway between is actual TDC. At least you won't be guessing.
Would think one of the valves made that mark when it opened.This boat is the devil. Nothing works the way I think it will... I purchased a piston stop and placed it in the #1 cylinder. Removed all the spark plugs. Found the compression stroke and manually backed the motor away from the compression stroke. Inserted the piston stop and manually advanced the motor until it stopped. Marked my balancer. Rotated it backwards to find the exhaust TDC mark and the motor continues to rotate... It never stopped. I pulled the piston stop and I have these marks on the threaded part that inserts into the motor. I don't understand what's going on.