4-stroke oil recommendation?


Oct 8, 2003
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

TheOilDoc said:
So LubeDude, if it's "immaterial" and just a matter of being "politically correct", then please tell us what the "Weight" of 10W-30 oil is? SAE 30 oil? SAE 30W oil?.

A 10W30 oil is a 10 weight oil that will never flow less than a 30 weight when hot.

An SAE 30 oil is tested at 210 F. for viscosity.

The SAE 30W is tested at 0 F. for viscosity


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 26, 2004
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

LubeDude said:
A 10W30 oil is a 10 weight oil that will never flow less than a 30 weight when hot.

Nice try, but I asked you what the oil's "Weight" was.

Hint: A 10W-30 oil is a multi-viscosity oil, not a multi-weight oil. At 0*F it will have a viscosity (not weight) that corresponds to SAE's arbitrary viscosity scale of 10. At 212*F it will have a viscosity (not weight) that corresponds to the SAE's arbitrary viscosity scale of 30.

LubeDude said:
An SAE 30 oil is tested at 210 F. for viscosity.

The SAE 30W is tested at 0 F. for viscosity

I already posted that. Nice try.

The question was, what is the "Weight" of those oils?

And that leads back to the original issue. Yamaha recommends a 10W-30 oil for the original poster's outboard. So according to you, what "Weight" oil would he use?

LubeDude said:
And, why do we have terms like, SAE "Weight " Designation, and Multi-"Weight" ?

"We", don't . We being professionals and enthusiasts who want to understand oil correctly.

Member LubeDude, the bottom line is that "Weight" is not the correct term to use, especially from someone who calls himself "LubeDude". But it's more than just a matter of terminology. Your statement could result in someone using the wrong viscosity oil. That's why oil companies don't use that terminology, marketers don't use it, outboard makers don't use it, the SAE doesn't use it, and the API doesn't use it. You would've been better off trying to learn something from my post rather than shadowing me with some type of affirmation.


Sep 10, 2004
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

OilDoc, while I don't hear you continually pimping a brand of oil like some do, I get very sick of your continual belittling of everything that LubeDude says. I certainly don't agree with a lot of information given on this site and hope if I ever get as smart and obnoxious as you, I hope someone would take the time to tell me, to"TAKE A HIKE AND GET A LIFE." So here it is..take a hike and get a life----Bob.

Drowned Rat

Jan 20, 2004
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

TheOilDoc said:
Drowned Rat, yes, Mercruiser used to say that. But your Mercruiser manual is 4 years old, and now there is more current recommendations.

Per Mercruiser (current information from the link I provided):

"This crankcase oil recommendation supersedes all previously printed crankcase oil recommendations for MerCruiser gasoline engines. The reason for this change is to include the newer engine oils that are now available in the recommendation.

Older owner manuals, service manuals and other publications that are not regularly updated will not be revised to show this latest engine oil recommendation. Current owners manuals, service manuals and other service publications that receive regular updates will receive this revised recommendation the next time they are updated.

"FC" stands for "Four Cycle". The "W" stands for "Water cooled". It is a special marine designation. The oil must undergo different testing and testing procedures in actual marine engines to become certified. This is much different than automotive oil requirements. Some of the FC-W tests specifically address the marine environment like the "salt fog test". BTW, Mercruiser helped the NMMA develop the FC-W tests. This is not to say that some automotive oils can't pass the test as they are. But without FC-W certification, we have no way to know for sure. Even if your engine doesn't specify a FC-W oil, I would recommend taking advantage of its benefits.


Who makes a FC-W rated full synthetic?


Oct 8, 2003
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

Laddies said:
OilDoc, while I don't hear you continually pimping a brand of oil like some do, I get very sick of your continual belittling of everything that LubeDude says. I certainly don't agree with a lot of information given on this site and hope if I ever get as smart and obnoxious as you I hope someone would take the time to tell me to"TAKE A HIKE AND GET A LIFE." So here it is..take a hike and get a life----Bob.

Thanks Laddies, I certainly couldn`t have said it better myself, There isn`t a bigger, You fill in the blank, on the whole Iboats forums IMHO. Even though he actually really does know about oil!


Oct 8, 2003
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

Drowned said:
Who makes a FC-W rated full synthetic?


They make a 10W-30 also.

And here are the rest.



Chief Petty Officer
Sep 29, 2005
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

Laddies said:
OilDoc, while I don't hear you continually pimping a brand of oil like some do, I get very sick of your continual belittling of everything that LubeDude says. I certainly don't agree with a lot of information given on this site and hope if I ever get as smart and obnoxious as you I hope someone would take the time to tell me to"TAKE A HIKE AND GET A LIFE." So here it is..take a hike and get a life----Bob.

Laddies, you were here when TOD first showed up so I know you remember the way LD shamelessly ragged on him. Give him a break, he is nowhere near as rude as LD was. Chief Chief 8) ;)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 26, 2004
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

Laddies, I'm sure if someone asked a question about a Merc problem you would elaborate with accuracy. I've seen you do it. After all, you're a Merc master mechanic.

And I'm sure if another member, who knew very little about Mercs, yet proclaimed himself as the "MercDude" continually shadowed your posts with some type of bizarre infatuation or jealousy of your knowledge, you would have something to say about it.

And if those posts continually included name-calling, argument, errors, misinformation, bad advice, Amsoil advertisements, and lack of any technical discussion, you would become more adamant with your words.

And finally, if "MercDude" were to give your posts some kind of his own stamp of approval, or make statements like, "you actually do know something about Mercs", you would question where he gets his authority on the matter. Or when he makes statements like, "I couldn't have said it better myself", you would wonder why he didn't.

By separating the girls from the boys you would end up exposing the fraud "MercDude" really is. I doubt you would be nice about it. After all, you'd rather spend your time helping other members with their questions, spreading your hard-earned experience and knowledge, and hoping the "MercDude's" of the world actually learn something so they can become the experts they want to be.

From the start, this LubeDude guy has made it clear that he does not want me here, and he's willing to break the rules to get me to leave. If you want to support that activity by telling me to "take a hike", then I am sorry for you.

If LubeDude's weird problem with me ever stops, you'll see more of the real TheOilDoc, along with all the information and technical discussion about marine oil you could ever wish for. After all, like you and your Merc's, I've spent most of my entire life testing and evaluating outboard oils.

Laddies, I hope your day perks up. :)


Sep 10, 2004
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

OilDoc, if I carried on about every wrong or misleading post on Mercury repairs on this site, it would be a full time job, even though the majority are factual and I would be a even grumper old man. I have stopped posting from time to time because of flustrations. It don't seem to help. Even though I may have came off as a supporter of LubeDude in my remarks I am not and do not agree with his pimping of products, Thats no better than the group that go on and on about the use of Seafoam, they are both good products I suppose. I would not personal use either but that just personal preferance, we all do things differantly. Neither of you would probably believe it but I am a oil freak too and if you heard my take on oils you would know how old I really am, and tell me I was nuts. Maybe I am, but it works for me. One last thing if any of tha moderators are reading this post I wonder why the product pimping is allowed, I do not know of any products that can not be meantioned without useing a brand names--Bob


Oct 8, 2003
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

TheOilDoc said:
From the start, this LubeDude guy has made it clear that he does not want me here, and he's willing to break the rules to get me to leave. If you want to support that activity by telling me to "take a hike", then I am sorry for you.

If LubeDude's weird problem with me ever stops, you'll see more of the real TheOilDoc, along with all the information and technical discussion about marine oil you could ever wish for. After all, like you and your Merc's, I've spent most of my entire life testing and evaluating outboard oils.

?????????It`s purely a personality conflict???????????

One of us has one and the other one does not!8)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 26, 2004
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

Your contributions to this thread have been outstanding member LubeDude.


Oct 8, 2003
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?


You will want to make sure your oil you chose is of the manufactures recommended wieght though.

While your statement is politically correct, Weight is the normal laymans term most people go by so that`s why I use it. I don`t think I have ever been ask, "What viscosity oil should I use"? Even though that would be the correct question.

Weight, Smeight, It`s immaterial to most. Everyone knew what I ment.

Point well taken though.

I don`t think he said he was going to us it for Marine use, he was only trying to make a point.Nice explanation though. And, why do we have terms like, SAE "Weight " Designation, and Multi-"Weight"

As you can see, My intentions and my attitude was polite and well intended up to this point, I only see it getting bad after you got smart ellick!!!!!!!!! It`s interesting how you went back and deleted some of your remarks. And when was the last time or any time I said something about you getting kicked off the forums?

Your input is always welcome, and always politically correct. If you get kicked off, it will be entirely of your own doing!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 26, 2004
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

Member LubeDude, we know your history with me...your past personal attacks, false accusations, your egotistical infatuation with me, and the jealousy that causes you to continue shadowing my every post. What's done is done. Your smiley face emoticons don't cover that up. Your true colors once again come out in this thread (ie: name-calling).

For the record, nothing here was ever deleted. Nothing was ever mentioned about getting "kicked off"...Although I'm sure you would like people to think that.

Your first post was an echo of my post, only with an error that could lead to someone using the wrong viscosity oil. As a justice to members here, I felt a need to point that out. That obviously made you, the self-proclaimed "LubeDude", upset.

Your second post was an attempt to lower my comments to a level of only "politically correct". All while downplaying the importance of using proper oil designation by saying it was "immaterial". You tried to save face by explaining you were speaking in "layman's terms", unable to acknowledge your shortcomings.

Your third post was some form of argumentative off-topic rhetoric covered in smiley faces.

Your fourth post was yet another repeat of what I had already posted. It did not answer my questions posed to you. And you continue to avoid those questions or post any relative technical discussion.

In your fifth post you called me names. Then you turn around and try to make yourself appear to be an authority on determining who knows anything about oil. But really you wouldn't have a clue as to who does and who doesn't know anything about oil.

Your sixth post is yet another one of your Amsoil advertisements. It's missing a disclaimer saying that you are an Amsoil salesman. One of these days the moderators will wake up and realize that you continually use this site to promote your product.

Your last two posts are yet more worthless antagonism that has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

Again, your contributions in this thread have been outstanding. Maybe one of these days you'll live up to your name "LubeDude" and answer the questions posed to you, or at least provide a hint of correct technical discussion that makes it appear you know what you're talking about.

I've stooped about as low as I can on this one. Members can always try to PM me if they would like to discuss oil in a lighter, more professional atmosphere.


Oct 8, 2003
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

Very interesting post to say the least, I`ve never in my lifetime seen so much read into different posts that just wasn`t intended.

I think you need profesional help to say the least. I`ve always thought that you were wound just a bit too tight!

Time to lock this one up!

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

TheOilDoc said:
I've stooped about as low as I can on this one. Members can always try to PM me if they would like to discuss oil in a lighter, more professional atmosphere.

You say lighter, does that mean the weight is a smaller number or larger? ;)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

Both LubeDude and OilDoc need to get a life.


Oct 8, 2003
Re: 4-stroke oil recommendation?

bruceb58 said:
Both LubeDude and OilDoc need to get a life.

I have one, and it`s an open book here on the forums, it also includes making sure that TheOilDocs oil preasure stays up!8) Actually it seems a bit high, maybe he needs to lighten up some. No, wait, that`s a weight statement maybe I should say, "Change his viscosity".
