4 hp seahorse under water


Jan 25, 2002
I have a 1979 4hp johnson that will not start. It slipped off my boat last week and landed in the creek. It was submerged for 10 min. I clean out the carbs and got the water out of the block. It still will not start. I think the power pack is damaged. 1 spark plug wire has no spark at all. The other one shocks me pretty bad when I hold it in my hand. If someone has any idea on whats wrong, please let me know. Thanks. :)


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: 4 hp seahorse under water

Howdy from Lee County, Freddy, and welcome to the best site on the web.<br />Sorry to hear about the dunking! Was it fresh water or salt? That is key.<br />Salt water ruins them in many cases. Freshwater dries,and this is all your engine needs, once you have cleaned out the carb,and dried-out the block. The best way to do this is to leave it out in the sun durring the day,and bring it into the garage at night for about a week.Keep turning it over without the plugs in it. Ground-out the plug wires to prevent damage to the CD unit or coils. This may have already occured :( <br /> <br />It may come around. But salt water, all bets are off. Sometimes after such a brief dunking,they fare pretty well, but not allways.


Nov 24, 2001
Re: 4 hp seahorse under water

Water inside motors is pretty bad.<br /><br />I would recommend to: Flush with fresh water, blow ignition with compresed air, lie the motor with plugholes down and plugs out. Open throttle and choker. Make someone spray wd 40 in intake while you pull cord. Do it 50 - 75 times - keep on, empty can. Afterwards you will have to make the motor run at least 1/2 hr WOT with load, within 24 hrs or it will be necessary to disasembly totally the same day. If your take it to a shop they will repair ignition immediately, or borrow old ignition from another motor.I bought one once that were not threated - crankshaft, pistonpins, rods and bearings were scrap.<br /><br />Powerpack is usually not damaged - try new spark plyge and blowing der with air.


Re: 4 hp seahorse under water

Rene,<br /><br />You don't say if it was running or not went it went swimming. If it was running-you have other problems.<br /><br />G-Dane's got the right idea. Turn the engine every which way you can think of to try and get water out of every passage, especially under the flywheel. If you have someplace warm and dry, put it in there overnight after you've done the wd-40 trick.<br /><br />These little OMC's will surprise you. It'll come back to life.<br /><br />My little lightwin has been swimming several times along with my Browning A-5. They both still work great.


Jan 25, 2002
Re: 4 hp seahorse under water

The engine was on when it went down. I have spayed wd 40 in the block and in the intake. Still no luck. Since the engine was on when it went down, would the electrical componets be ruined? By the way, the water was salty. :confused:


Re: 4 hp seahorse under water

Rene,<br /><br />Oh man and oh no! If the engine turns over Ok and feels smooth you may be OK in that you didn't bend a rod. Only a compression check or disassembly will prove that out.<br /><br />Also, look on the sides of the block and make sure the casting plugs are still in place. These are the little dime to nickel size plugs that some would call a freeze plug. When my lightwin went under running it always popped one.<br /><br />Because it was salt, you need to pickle this engine to buy you some time. That means buying stock in WD-40. It won't hurt anything.<br /><br />Keep it wet with the stuff and keep trying to get spark. If you don't succeed by Monday, I'd get the flywheel off and have a look.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 26, 2001
Re: 4 hp seahorse under water

Hi Rene, I don't remember if it was Clanton or J.B. but a few weeks ago one of them gave some advice which sounded pretty straight. Disconnect the ignition and place in the oven with just the pilot light on. After it has dried well, replace points, condenser etc. Sure hope this works for you. Good Luck, Hal