Looking for tips on what would make this small engine have smokey exhaust.(besides too rich a mix) Also oil residue in test tank and water seeping from lower unit seam above propeller skeg.
What year ? model number ?
I assume from early 1980s ????
50: 1 is the correct fuel mix, using a TCW3 certified oil
Too much oil would make it smokey, but they are smokey when run at low revs in a test tank
Is idle mixture setting correct.
Are carb float and needle valve Ok or is it tending to flood ?
but as said it is normal for unburnt oil to make water in a test tank oily.
I don't understand what you mean by water seeping from seam above the skeg
Surely this model has a one piece gearcase.
If you mean water seeping from the joint between the gear case and the "leg" when it is lifted from the test tank then that is water draining from the leg.. There should be a drain hole ( or two ?? ) along that joint anyway. Check it/ they are not blocked.
This engine does not have a tell-tale. I think what you are calling the "pisser" is the exhaust back pressure relief port on the back of the leg. You should see just a few droplets of water or perhaps a light spray from there.
Nevertheless a new water pump impeller would be a good idea it it has been sitting for a while.
Clean the joint between the gearcase and the leg before you reassemble . No gasket or jointing compound is needed though.