30' fairliner...$1500= is it worth it?

brother chris

Jul 28, 2002
Me and 3 friends have an opportunity to purchase a 1960's 30' fairliner. It has a 350 inboard for power and runs great. <br />It needs some refinishing on the inside which is no problem. The whole boat is made of wood and I am assuming that is in the 5000-7000lbs weight class. <br />I am just not sure if this is going to be a pain in the *ss. <br />I tried searching for it on google but it only came up with a fairliner group club, and no site on the specific boat itself. <br />Does anyone know of a fairliner website or have any of you have first hand knowledge of these boats? <br />Any help would be appreciated.<br />Thanks,<br />Bro Chris...


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: 30' fairliner...$1500= is it worth it?

Being a wooden boat, the problem you could be facing is rot or structural issues. I am of the mindset that a boat like that can fetch a lot of green if it is in good condition. You could end up having to replace half the wood in it and be out a ton of cash OR it may just need superficial work. Is it in the water? You need to run it in water, and it needs to be in the water for some time. Wood boats leak until things swell up, you don't want a boat that needs six bilge pumps from an oil tanker just to stay afloat. I would check that thing out, every square inch of it, under every floor access, all of it. There is no such thing as a cheap boat. You either spend a bunch up front, or you get it cheap and spend a bunch over time. Good luck, it sounds like it would be a cool boat....


Re: 30' fairliner...$1500= is it worth it?

Exactly what JasonJ said.<br /><br />Do not expect to fix this thing up and make money selling it. Wood boats are for those who love wood boats-period.

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: 30' fairliner...$1500= is it worth it?

Originally posted by brother chris:<br /> Me and 3 friends have an opportunity to purchase a 1960's 30' fairliner.
Partnerships almost never work.<br /><br />In a deal like yawl are getting into, you might want to decide first who gets to do all the work, buy parts, etc., and then who gets to use & enjoy it most of the time.<br /><br />You might have a even 4 way split buying it, but I doubt if the work or the enjoyment will be an equal 4 way split.<br /><br /><br />Get used to hearing things like, "Sorry, I haven't got any cash right now", "I wish I could spend more time working on it", "Such and such tool just burned up, how are we going to buy another one"?.<br /><br />If you get to poking around, you can often find that vintage of a boat all fixed up and running for 5-7 thousand...... often even with a newer fiberglass hull that is about 2% the hassel of a wooden one.

brother chris

Jul 28, 2002
Re: 30' fairliner...$1500= is it worth it?

Thanks for the replies. <br />We went over there yesterday and took a moisture meter to it and the whole boat was @ 7-10% moisture. <br />My friend(one of the guys who is going in on this boat) is an assistant manager at a veneer mill and said that % of moisture is pretty good for it being that old. <br />I also found out that it is a 1962. That is 43 years old. Not bad.<br />The motor runs fine. A 350 Chevy. <br />Props okay. All running gear is okay. <br />The only thing I see is that it needs a refit in the interior. Alot of the wood needs replacing and a real good cleaning job. <br />The boat is made of ply with a coat of gelcoat over it and needs to be sanded and put another coat of gelcoat on it. <br />One window on the starboard side needs replacing. <br />We talked him down to $1000. and he said he would give us 2 weeks to do the work. The boat is in his driveway. He said if it takes longer than 2 weeks we would have to talk to him about some cash to keep it there.<br />Having said all that and you are still reading, does it sound like a good deal? I think so, but the only thing I am worried about is, like Winger Ed said, if we all have money at the same time. <br />We all have good paying jobs though.<br />In your opinion, would you go for it? <br />I got 3 days to think about it cause there is some other people that would like to buy it. He is holding it for us, for now.<br />Any thoughts?


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: 30' fairliner...$1500= is it worth it?

If you can work the partnership deal out, it sounds like a feasible deal, especially if you are only doing an interior refit. If it were me, I would get the money and buy it for myself. If the rest wants to help, great, they can use it once in awhile. If they don't help, then screw 'em, its your boat.

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: 30' fairliner...$1500= is it worth it?

Originally posted by brother chris:<br /> . <br />We talked him down to $1000.
For $1,000 I'd buy in in a minute, just for the salvage. The engine & gearbox could be properly marketed for at least $2,500 if the manifolds are solid. And you couldn't build the trailer its on for $1,000 in materials.<br /><br /><br />I can't firmly agree enough with Jason on the joint ownership idea, especially since its so cheap. You're really setting yourself up for a screwing.<br /><br /><br />You'll do well to buy it yourself, then negociate* some favorable 'work for use' deal.<br />Not only will you avoid getting screwed on labor & money, but you'll have a better chance of keeping your friends too. <br /><br /><br />If you've forgotten, you might re-read that 1st grade kid book titled "The Little Red Hen".<br /><br />Its the one that goes something like: 'Who will help me plant the wheat, harvest the wheat, grind the flour, bake the bread'? And then the question, 'Who will help me eat the bread'?<br /><br />*<br />Always negociate from a possition of strength. <br /><br /><br />Ed.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 23, 2004
Re: 30' fairliner...$1500= is it worth it?

im sure you dont wanna cut your buddys out of the deal but its not a good idea to go in on something like that with friends.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 12, 2003
Re: 30' fairliner...$1500= is it worth it?

Sorry for off topic...Formula1974 - where in Spotsylvania do you live? I spend 10 years of my life 2 miles from Snell intersection. <br /><br />-JustMrWill