3.0L...too powerfull to ski???


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 17, 2004
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

The point of your thread is driving advice for pulling new skiers.
OB, IB, I/O...too much throttle doesn't win the day.


Jun 10, 2010
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

I learned to ski on a 16' (I think) 1968 fiberglass runabout with a 50 hp Johnson. We were able to pull with that boat even with 3 or 4 passengers on board. I'm sure we were using every ounce of power that motor could produce, but we pounded on that boat for many seasons.
So you don't have to have a uber powerful motor. Is it nice to have that extra power? Oh yeah. My 220 hp I/O on an 18' bowrider makes easy work of things. But is it absolutely necessary? Nope.


May 17, 2010
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

So NOW the v8's are depreciating MORE than the 4's????? Now I have heard it all!!!

The lengths some guys will go to validate their purchase just shocks me....if you want a big motor, by all means, go for it...if you want to convice you spouse that you HAVE to have a v8 to ski or to boat for what ever reason, then throw whatever b.s. you want at her...but if you're going to do it to me, please tell me first so I can put my skirt on. It makes it sooooo much easier for you to blow the sunshine up my behind!

I think the point he is trying to make is that with used boats you can usually find someone giving away a boat with a bigger motor for the same price as one with a smaller motor.

The prices that boats and cars sell for privately sometimes has more to do with how much the owner wants to sell them than the actual value of the vehicle.


May 31, 2002
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

Thanks Oldjeep - I'm glad somebody understands! :)

tawood said:
if you want to convice you spouse that you HAVE to have a v8 to ski or to boat for what ever reason, then throw whatever b.s. you want at her...but if you're going to do it to me, please tell me first so I can put my skirt on. It makes it sooooo much easier for you to blow the sunshine up my behind!

LMAO!! Good one! Can you wear the green one with the pink stripes again? I liked it!

If you like your little motor, that's great. Although it is hard to understand why you get so defensive when anyone points out that it may not be the greatest thing on earth for every boating purpose known to man .....

It would be interesting if you could quote any "b.s" I've posted, maybe that way I could figure out where your mis-understanding is coming from!


Jul 27, 2006
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

H.P. is a great marketing tool....like 24 hp motors on lawn mowers. You know how it is, big is better. When I was a kid it was rare to see any boat over 50hp yet the lake was full of people skiing on low tech wooden skis. Just a bunch of wimps today that have to have more than they need or in most cases, can afford.


Rear Admiral
Aug 2, 2008
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

They're not on NEW boats, which is exactly why the the 3.0L is there. They provide adequate power at a significantly lower price than the V6's or V8's, which allows the manufacturer and dealer to sell more boats, thus making more money.

Once the boats are in the used boat market, my experience has been that some careful shopping will allow you to find the same boat with a bigger engine for a lower price.

I agree here as well. It is the same reason I will generally only buy the most optioned/decked out vehicle for a particular make. If a sunroof, heated leather and locking differential were options when sold new then I won't buy without them. It may be three or four years old but if you shop and negotiate well and sometimes get lucky, you get all the optional equipment essentially for free. Someone else takes the depreciation and they need to get out from under their vehicle. Yes the loaded up model was sold in fewer numbers making a successful search that much harder. In the same vein though I had a hell of a time finding a v8 in a small newer, used bowrider even when it was an available option not many shelled out for the option. The ads were packed with 4 cylinders/18 footers. Hence my v6 and my lack of luck (back when the economy was doing well and boats sold in a day).


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 3, 2008
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

H.P. is a great marketing tool....like 24 hp motors on lawn mowers. You know how it is, big is better. When I was a kid it was rare to see any boat over 50hp yet the lake was full of people skiing on low tech wooden skis. Just a bunch of wimps today that have to have more than they need or in most cases, can afford.

AH! Those were the days. The first skiing my family did was behind a late 1950s MFG 1 footer with 45 HP Mercury. We had wooden Cypress Garden skiis.

Wish I had those now, especially the 45 HP Merc. The boat had beautiful wood in addition to the fiberglass. :D


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

Weird thread . . . While I understand the rip it out of your hand stuff I have never met an experienced skier who doesn't like to be popped up as quickly as possible . . .


Mar 9, 2009
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

Weird thread . . . While I understand the rip it out of your hand stuff I have never met an experienced skier who doesn't like to be popped up as quickly as possible . . .

^Absolutely. Like was mentioned, they were either using poor form which caused them to plow water, have weaker grip strength, or the skis they were using were too short for their weight/height (not likely with combo skis).


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 22, 2005
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

The boat driver makes all the difference in how easy it is to get up on skis...
I've been skiing for 40 years - started on a 14 ft plywood hull with a Mercury 45 hp. That boat would snap you up easy and quick - huge 1X8 planks for skis! (and I weighed 100 lbs) newer higher hp boats, smaller skis, and 100 more lbs makes it a little harder (especially slalom starts). Bought a jetski 3 years ago (130 hp) and hooked up a ski rope! My kids tried to pull me up (2 skis) and I couldn't hold onto the rope... they were punching it to WOT immediately! Now I AM a experienced skier and in good shape (I can bench 225 and have good grip strength). Worked for a few minutes and they learned to roll into the throttle slowly and voila! The jetski works great as a skiing platform, but, the driver makes all the difference.

I now have a 21 ft bowrider with a mercruiser 4.3l. Some people would think this is a bit underpowered... yea, I can only run 45 mph, but I have plenty of power for skiing. I can pull 2 up with no problem - and I can rip the rope out of someone's hand if I want... the key is a smooth application of power. I roll into the throttle to achieve a smooth moderate pull - maybe it's a seat of the pants feeling. I take about 1.5 - 2 seconds to go from idle to about 2/3 throttle (I'm shooting to get to 3200 rpm) I hold 3200 rpm until the boat gets to 25 mph and slowly pull back to maintain 3200 rpm. That brings the boat up to about 30 mph. I adjust final speed to the skill, weight, and desire of the skier. My daughter (19) has mastered the art of driving and I love skiing behind the boat with her driving. My son (22) still has the "go fast" gene!



Rear Admiral
Aug 2, 2008
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

I now have a 21 ft bowrider with a mercruiser 4.3l. Some people would think this is a bit underpowered.

Your 21 footer weighs less than my 18 footer, I'd disagree that you are underpowered as I have the same engine. If it weighed 3500lbs like many 21 footers I'd agree. I've skied and kneeboarded since I was young learning on trick skis starting with 9.9 hp Mercs to big v8's. My biggest pet peeve was when there wasn't enough hole shot from over propping or just a tiny engine and you'd get dragged until the boat planed out which is amplified by deep water salalom starts. No one I skid with had actual ski boats. I actually like when the driver wot's it and after a while you can do a hot pick-up and the driver never even stops the boat to get you which works well for doubles. Of course the driver's ability helps out a bunch here. I know that pulling someone who takes forever to get up really drains their grip strength at least at my age. I suppose it's possible that all my skiing was done behind incorrectly propped or under torqued engines but those are my observations.


Mar 9, 2009
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

The jetski works great as a skiing platform, but, the driver makes all the difference.

Great platform for getting up and having a flat wake, but that's about where the greatness ends. The rope attachment point is too low, and any sort of pull on the jet ski causes it to lose speed quickly. It is also hard to steer a jet ski with someone on skis pulling since the stern will pull towards the skier, especially someone on slolam. So I would modify your statement to say that it will work as a skiing platform, but I wouldn't call it great by any means.

If you thought the 130HP was good, try it behind a 260HP jet ski. (Kawasaki 260X) :) That one can come close to ripping your arms off!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 9, 2007
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

I agree on the jet ski, its a good platform for certain things. My annual barefoot run is behind a sea doo wake edition. However, you would not want to drive that thing with me behind it on a slalom ski.


Jun 30, 2010
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

I used to ski behind those 40 hp boats as a kid and we had a blast. I've been trying for two years to get back up on skis and had no luck. I read this thread, about rolling into the throttle and today I was able to get up. I will say that it was a combination of rolling into the throttle and my form that made it successful. Thanks for the advice all.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 5, 2009
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

I love my v8 power even though I don't need it. I love the reserve power.

I taught my wife how to pull me out of the water. I said never ever go WOT. I don't want to face plant into the water.

She starts out slowly and tightens the rope. I gain balance and give her the thumbs up. She slowly feeds power and advance it to 50%. About 5 second time frame The speedo reaches 25mph and she backs off the power and settles the speed.

I dont need to punish the boat or myself by going WOT all the time.

BTW I salome ski.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 8, 2009
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

Same here. The only thing I hate is when other traffic distracts my wife and she makes a course change while she tries to pull me up. I usually throw the handle in the air in disgust when she does that. I'm a big guy and while she doesn't go WOT, she can't **** around either.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 28, 2009
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

My family just started boating last summer. We had all skied before, but had very limited experience. We always just ease on to the throttle at first, and as everything gets moving and the skier starts to rise, we just smoothly and steadily increase the throttle until the skier is on plane. Let him/her get settled in, then when they look comfortable, adjust the speed to their liking.

Now, my brother-in-law is the only one in the family who has years of experience. He's been skiing/slaloming all his life. When he started boating with us last year, he kept telling us to just hammer the throttle when he's skiing, that's how he likes it he said. So that's what we did. It always took him forever to get up! He's the expecienced one, and slower to get up than the rest of us. He just said that's how his family always did it. Well, he always leaned way back and plowed through the water with a death grip on the handle until my V8 eventually dragged him on up. A weaker person would have just had the handle ripped out of their hands. WOT and hanging on tight was the only way he could get up. Finally, he let us show him a more proper form and we can pull him up easy like the rest of us. I have a V8 and we certainly don't need all of it to pull skiers, but there's a big difference in how hard the engine has to work to do it. We get effortlessly behind my dad's 3.0L, but personally like having the extra torque of the V8 to make it all a little easier. BTW, my bro-in law, my brother, and I are all about 270 lb.

The morale of the story is, both skier and driver need to have good technique to get the best results. Poor driving sure makes it hard on a skier, and a poor skier can make you feel like you have to have a 350hp 383 stroker to get him up. There is a learning curve to both, and good communication is key.

Sorry for the incredibly long post. I'm a bit long winded. :D


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jun 14, 2009
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

I have a 17BR, 175hp 4.3L, 2500 pound Cobalt and my max speed is 36 mph. Wish I could get the 45 mph that jrampey gets with a 21 footer.

Last weekend, I pulled an experienced skier with 4 people in the boat including me and the only way I got him up was going WOT then leveling off at 25 mph. He was an experienced skier but he said he had difficulty getting up even with WOT. Sounds like trial and error and experience is the answer.


Aug 15, 2006
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

Hmmm, maybe this thread has some good info.

I've always been a WOT guy, both on the ski and at the wheel. May have to rethink all that after reading this.

Then again, I too have the big V-8 (Although also have a heavy boat) and am a large 240lb guy.

But I love my Connolly Big Daddy! :eek:)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 28, 2009
Re: 3.0L...too powerfull to ski???

oh dale, Ive been wondering about that connelly big daddy. haven't been able to find anyone who has used one though. How does it cut? I like to pop fast as well, thing is, I pop up faster with smooth acceleration than with WOT. I think of it like a car, if you hammer the throttle, you spin the tires and wind up with a slower holeshot. If you take it a little easy at first and let the tires hook up then you get on it. My boat doesn't hook up well if you just let her rip. Depends on the boat I guess.