25 Johnson Waterflow Trouble


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jun 18, 2005
Re: 25 Johnson Waterflow Trouble

Well, ya'll aint gonna believe this. Loaded the wife and younguns in the boat this morning to get a few catfish for the saucepan, after having taken off the doel-fin yesterday and guess what...yep, steady stream from tell-tale pretty as you please. I guess it won't hurt none to have replaced the water pump, head gasket, thermostat and head cover gasket. :rolleyes: Removing the fin sure was a whole lot easier though. If I could just borrow your avatar for a few minutes, OBJ, I sure could put it to good use. Well, thanks again everyone for all the help. Sure was nice to just open her up and let her go! :) <br /><br />PS: Even caught a nice mess of cats to boot.