225HP Ficht Knock


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 7, 2009
Okay, I'm feeling kinda sick in the stomach cause just this past weekend my 2000 Evinrude 225HP ficht sounded like it was knocking. I couldn't really tell where it was from, cause I was the only one in the boat and it only knocks when I increase speed, so I didn't want to leave the wheel. The only thing that I do know is that I heard it coming from the engine area. The weird thing is that it doesn't knock when its in neautral and idling. Can someone please help me out with this? :confused:


Supreme Mariner
Mar 2, 2008
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

Dont run it any more and take it to a shop that works on fichts. Get a estimate first as it could be rod or wrist pin knock. My guess is ring locating pin migrated out and it has broken ring or piston.


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 7, 2009
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

Okay, is there anything that I could check on my own first to diagnose the problem? I'd like to avoid going to the shop unaware of the problem, and I don't know anyone who services FICHTS around my area, but I'll check. Is there anything I should look for when I do search for a shop? Maybe like an Evinrude certified shop or something or does any ole marina shop work?

Thanks again.


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 7, 2009
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

Get a estimate first as it could be rod or wrist pin knock. My guess is ring locating pin migrated out and it has broken ring or piston.

One other question....What if it was just a rod or wrist pin knock? Would it be an easy fix but just a pain in the ... to get to?


Jan 20, 2009
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

A 2000 Ficht with a knock is ominous. The question about the wrist pin knock....the answer is, if it is an internal engine knock, it is not an easy, inexpensive fix.

However, yoou state that the engine does not knock in neutral and idling.
This is very intriguing to me. If you want to risk it, get it in the water, start it, and try to see if the knocking comes only when in gear.
If it knocks only in gear, it could be the lower unit.
Also, if it is the lower, you can remove the oil drain plug looking for metal in the oil which would tend to verify the lower as the problem...

Good luck. 2000 was a bad year for Evinrude.


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 7, 2009
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

Okay, so I put the ear muffs on it and started the engine, and guess what................No KNOCK! I pushed the engine to WOT and no knocking noise from the engine. So I says to myself, okay I could take it out maybe it was just something else that day. Wrong! Took it out on the water and what do ya know....Knocking noise again. I was trying to see what could cause it to do that. I was thinking maybe its the pressure on the prop when moving that causes it to sound like its knocking. Is the prop supposed to have some freeplay from moving back and forth on the spindle? My theory is that the movement of the prop going back and forth is causing the motor to sound like its knocking.

I'll try checking the lower unit oil and let you know. Otherwise, please keep bringing in the great suggestions. Thanks.


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 5, 2007
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

One other question....What if it was just a rod or wrist pin knock? Would it be an easy fix but just a pain in the ... to get to?

If it is a rod or wrist pin problem the entire powerhead will need to be removed and disassembled.

Also you ran it up to WOT on flush muffs????? You're asking for a grenade.

Additionally, you'll need to look up how to index your plugs before you perform a compression test.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 2, 2008
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

I do not recomend you compression test like a regular engine as injectors fire with every stroke and can give false readings due to guage pressurized with fuel. Also with plugs out compression will force fuel out spark plug holes that spark plug wires could ignite. To do correctly you will need to pull fuse to EMM and use a starter button attached to soleniod to activate starter. It may be a gearcase but usually its noisy out of gear also. The reason it knock sin gear is powertrain has more load on it in gear than out.


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 7, 2009
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

Arggghhh......Okay. I'm dreading the thought of opening the lower unit for checking the oil, but I guess I'll just have to face reality. Thanks and I'll let you all know.


Jan 20, 2009
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

Arggghhh......Okay. I'm dreading the thought of opening the lower unit for checking the oil, but I guess I'll just have to face reality. Thanks and I'll let you all know.

You don't need to "open the L/U". Just unscrew the drain plug...
I hope that's what you meant, and are dreading the thought of metal in the oil....

I want to be sure...you absolutely have determined the knock is coming from the lower unit? If so, I would call that good news. FICHT powerhead knock is very expensive.

You can get a used lower unit and put it on yourself for much less money.


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 5, 2007
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

If it turns out to be the lower unit and not the powerhead, jump and cheer for joy. Scream and yell and thank whatever deity you believe in. FICHT powerhead troubles usually = scrap heap.


Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

My 86 ninja 1000 has a wrist pin knock, happens as soon as it's running in neutral, you'd here that thing knocking all day long on muffs especially if you wound it up. If i pull the plug on cylinder 3 on the bike the knock dissappears, even without load just the motor running would indicate a knock, sounds like something else. A motor is a motor, wrist pin is a wrist pin.


take a listen


Feb 22, 2008
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

start a new thread, you can't hijack.
I'm sure you'l get lots of help.;)

The reason is its very hard for people to find solutions using the search feature if you cross thread problems.


Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

Who hijacked this thread Jonesg, it certainly wasn't me, giving an example of what a piston pin knock sounds like and that it would be present in his ficht on muffs at idle.


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 7, 2009
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

You don't need to "open the L/U". Just unscrew the drain plug...
I hope that's what you meant, and are dreading the thought of metal in the oil....

I want to be sure...you absolutely have determined the knock is coming from the lower unit? If so, I would call that good news. FICHT powerhead knock is very expensive.

You can get a used lower unit and put it on yourself for much less money.

Oh yeah...thats what I meant. I have yet to check the oil yet...just haven't had anytime. Thanks.


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 7, 2009
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

Thanks for all the replies guys. And thanks for the video, I'll check it out later when I get home since Youtube is blocked at work.

I haven't checked the oil yet cause its been busy for me right now. I'll most likely check it today though. Will inform on the progress.:eek:


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 7, 2009
Re: 225HP Ficht Knock

Okay....took a look at my L/U oil and it looks like metallic paint! Felt a few good sized chunks about the size of a small bead or so. Is the oil supposed to look like that or have I grinded my gears into nice fine grit? Damn....I guess I'll have to save up for a new unit. Well, 5 months should give me enough time to save up for it.