22-2 aquasport v-hull scrapped up


Jan 7, 2011
i can see fiber glass but no major divits.damage to v is mostly from loading on trailer.added a roller to stop skidding on. what is the best way to repair ,the right way first. do i need sanding and resin or sanding and gelcoat etc. thanxs tom


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Aug 17, 2009
Re: 22-2 aquasport v-hull scrapped up


Welcome to iBoats. We need much more info and definitely some pics before we can even suggest and idea of repair.
Aug 17, 2009
Re: 22-2 aquasport v-hull scrapped up


Ouch...however fixable.

You will need to add a little glass back over the demaged area. I suggest a strip of 1708 down the entire keel. If not 1708 then at least a little CSM and then maybe some light weight cloth to finish. You will need to sand away the gel coat a couple of inches on both sides of the keel. The gently sand/grind smooth the exposed glass area. You just want to make it smooth and clean not cut in too deep. Wipe down with acetone and apply the new glass. Use unwaxed poly resin no need for epoxy here.

Now how do you want to finish? Easiest way would be to fill and fair with a thickened poly resin mixure (resin/microballons/maybe some milled fibers) and sand everything smooth and even. Then just recoat the underside with new bottom paint. If you plan on removing the existing bottom paint all together then you could just use a good marine paint for the bottom. If you want to put back on gel coat then that will be slightly more work. You will have to sand the repaired area down to slightly below the surrounding gel coat level. Then fill over the repair with new gel coat. Once the new gel has set, then sand smooth with a sequence of finer grit papers finishing off with polishing compound to final blend.