2022 merc 115 wont trim up


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 7, 2005
2022 115 pro xs merc. Model 1117F231D. SER 3B241086 (115XLXS4S) Down trim works. Trying to trim up causes the relay to continuously click as long as you hold the switch. Boat has maybe 25 hours on it. Battery connections new, but cleaned and tightened anyway. Has three switches, one on the motor, one at the helm and one up front. All three have the same affect. Tried switching the down and up relays, same issue. Is it possible to have too much down pressure on the travel support rod that it may lock up the pump? Is there any way to relieve the pressure? thanks in advance..

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Your boat is under warranty. See your dealer


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 7, 2005
Have a trip planned and paid for in three weeks... I live where there are not a lot of dealer choices. All backed up for a couple of months. Thats not really an option. It appears to be a fairly simple system. I am just not familiar with outboard trim systems. I would appreciate any help in checks or tests that may help it along. I know its under warranty. Thats not what I asked. Again if anyone is familiar with these newer systems, is there a way to relieve the pressure in the system. thanks

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Then get the factory service manual and check the connections to the relays and switches


Fleet Admiral
Mar 10, 2016
Hi. I have this engine too. They can have a few issues around the trim system.
What I’d do, is take the engine cover off. Then unplug each of the switch’s one by one. The plugs are down low on the port side of engine. Or you’re right, if accessing from inside the boat and you are facing aft. Then see if you can get it to work each time.
Failing that, I’d open up the relay casing for that direction of trim. You’ll find these near the top of the engine on the front end of it. Just under the flywheel removable cover. There are three relays there that look the same. The one on the starboard side is the main relay. Ignore that. The other two are for up and down. Test these across the opposing pins, horizontally. From memory they should test at 85ohms with a tolerance of 10ohms either way. Or just swap over the other one over to the suspect one. I’d also have a look at the trim limit calibration orange wire. Make sure it’s not sitting shorting out somewhere. Same for the wire that’s got a black cap on it right next to it. Check the bow trim wire hasn’t come off somehow and shorting out or loose. Think it might be blue.
What happened to mine…was that the trim wire from the remote control box trim switch, had been poorly installed and routed. It then got nipped and jammed by the movement of the throttle assembly inside the box. Caused the wire insulation to cut through to the bare wire. Terrible design.