2019 Volvo V8 380 C-M won't start unless i give it throttle


May 10, 2023
Ok, so i went over every inch of the harness I could get to, and it all seems intact, clean, and not in physical contact with the manifold anywhere.
I did, however, find something interesting in doing this trace. On each manifold, there is what I assume to be one sensor, that screws into the top. I'm guessing that's a temp sensor for the manifold itself.

One of them was flush/tight. The other one (on left) was really loose. Like so loose that I was able to hand tighten it back down and it took 4 or 5 full turns to do so. I've attached pictures of them here (pre-tightening). You can see the first one is flush and the other one not at all.



Now this is probably magical thinking on my part. But after tightening it down, I went and flipped on the battery switch, turned the key, waited for it to prime, and it fired up on the very first try. Took it out for a spin in the harbor to let it warm up for a bit, got up to 2750 RPMs, came back to my mooring and turned it off. Hung out for a bit, ran my blowers and turned the key on again. Primed faster than usual (maybe because warm) and sure enough, fired up on the first try again.
Like I said, probably magical thinking to believe that a loose screw on a sensor into the manifold would be the extent of my issue, but it's the first time I've had the boat start twice without any shenanigans since I got it transported here.

Anyway, I didn't see any other weirdness in the harness anywhere else I checked and I was able to get pretty good looks at most of it.


"Retired" Association of Marine Technicians...
Jul 7, 2004
Yes that’s an exhaust manifold water temperature sensor. And no it couldn’t cause the issue you’re having. I don’t know why it wasn’t seated. It screws into a blind hole so no water would leak and I don’t think it would affect the operation of the sensor.

The problem with inspecting a wiring harness is that the problem is almost always in the place that’s hardest to get to. I have had some that I couldn’t see the damage until I had removed it from the engine. And one that I had to untape to find internal damage.

There is a possibility that you moving the harness around made the problem go away temporarily. Or it’s just an intermittent issue that will keep coming and going until someone fixes it.