2006 Crownline max RPM range?


May 14, 2015
Survey/sea trial scheduled for tomorrow on a 2006 Crownline 250CR with a 5.7 carb'd Merc with a BIII outdrive. Any idea of the max RPM range for this engine? How about top speed? The boat has been sitting for 3 years so not quite sure the condition of the fuel. Want to monitor max RPM and speed for the condition of the engine (only about 215 hours on the engine).
Haven't been able to find any data. The seller would have no idea but might have the manuals that came with it.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A 2006 with a carb, the manuals are showing all after 2001 are fuel injected. In any case your WOT would be 4400-4800 rpm. The B3 drive will help get the boat up, but a 27 footer is going to be a slug coming out of the hole, it weights 6600 dry.


More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
Revs for a carbed 5.7 is 4400-4800... But I don't remember a carbed 5.7 on the sales list when I was buying my 4.3MPI. If you find a serial number it'd be interesting to see what it came back as.


Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
Better siphon all the old fuel leftovers on tank, purge all fuel lines, change water separator filter before new water test..

Happy Boating


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 23, 2015
Too many variables to tell you what the top speed is. The other guys have given you a WOT range. A better test for the condition of the engine would be a compression test.

With that size of boat and that engine, it is a cruising boat. You won't be winning any races on the water with it, but it will get you from A to B pretty comfortably.


May 14, 2015
lol Scott.

Not concerned with speed but just trying to get a gauge of the engine. there are 2 local shops. the surveyor will not do a compression test due to liability and the one shop said the same thing. the shop the boat is at said they can do one but they are busy today just getting it ready. i talked to them about the fuel. they said they will be adding additives and if it isn't very full they will top it off with good gas but the seller thinks there is 3/4 tank.

as far as carb'd i'm not positive on that. if it is fuel injected then it is TBI. i haven't seen the engine other than a couple of pics. the batteries were out of it and the engine hatch is electric the pics show a small blue plug on the choke side of the carb but i'm not sure if that is the electric choke or the electronic sensors? the owner has no idea. it was owned by 2 girls that mainly just sat on it at the dock and had a shop do 100% of the work. i asked her if she had to pump the throttle to start it and she said she didn't think so but can't remember. so it may be TBI? i'm hoping it is. it has the small round spark arrestor that says 5.7 Merc on the top like this one:
This isn't the exact boat but is a 2005 that looks like the engine in the one i am looking at. it says Thunderbolt V Ignition on it.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
they said they will be adding additives and if it isn't very full they will top it off with good gas

Need to stay clear of the shop.
There is no additive you can add to gas to make it good once it has gone bad.
Adding fresh gas to gas that has gone bad just gives you more bad gas

The engine in the Pic has a carberator

The owner of the boat said they don't remember how they started the boat, and if it needed pumped. I would be thinking long and hard about walking away from the boat. There is to many comments of everything is great, or its unknown and I'm worried they are trying to dump it for one reason or another


May 14, 2015
I have never seen SO MANY ground wires!!

lol. that isn't THE boat, just a similar make/model. not sure if this one has those.

the girl that owns the boat never drove it. her friend was the one that drove it and they are no longer together so she doesn't know much about it. i do know this to be fact because they were docked a few spots from us in 2015 (with this boat) when we first bought our last boat.

the shop called and said they got it running and put new batteries in and everything sounds great but it needs a new impeller. he tried to get ahold of the seller to get the ok but wasn't getting an answer so he called me. we finally got that resolved and they will be replacing the impeller first thing in the morning so it will be ready for us at 2:00.

hopefully everything else goes smooth. i knew the impeller would need replaced and i was planning to replace it before we dropped it in after it was in my name but they said it needs it now so it's on her now.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Get a gimble bearing, bellows and alignment if you can. It will need those items too


May 14, 2015
Get a gimble bearing, bellows and alignment if you can. It will need those items too

That won't happen right now. She wanted me to cover the whole $200 for the impeller (with labor). I told her I would cover 1/2 because I was going to replace it on my own right after that anyway but I wasn't paying for the shops labor when I could have done it myself for free labor. She used the argument that it is normal maintenance and not a bad part. So no way she will give in on the gimbal bearing, bellows, etc unless the surveyor finds they are bad. I looked at the bellows and they look pretty good to me. I didn't see any dry rot or cracking but I didn't check it that good. I'm sure the surveyor will though.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
any new to you boat, do all the maintenance.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
She now goes from I know nothing of how to start the boat to all the items mentioned are normal maintenance items. She sure has the thought of what to know and what to play dumb on. Agre they are normal maint items, but again, look closer


May 14, 2015
Just got back from survey/sea trial. Went mostly good. hull survey went good. bellows show very slight dry rotting. surveyor and shop guy both said they will be good until next spring. We went and dropped it in the water and I drove. went out and slowly throttled up. still all good. stopped and did a full throttle start and it stumbled a little. he hd me do figure 8's to hit waves and when i was done i went to neutral and it stumbled and stalled. gauges were all good. every time we tried to get out of neutral it would stumble. once we got it moving it was ok. got back to the dock and connected to shore power. AC was working but water was just dribbling out of the thru hull. the pump was running. same with the fresh water. i filled the tank and the pump would run but nothing coming out any faucets. no air, nothing. the surveyor took the output hose off the fresh water pump and it barely dribbled out. the seller said they had just replaced that pump 3 years ago. it was a jabsco. when we got back to the shop the guy there said the impeller was probably shot from setting. as far as the AC we don't know but he said it could be the same thing?

so in the end we are pretty sure the stalling was from the fuel and/or the separator so we get that pumped down that should be good and the seller is going to talk to the shop tomorrow about the pumps.

oh, no idea what the speed was but it briefly hit 5000 RPM then came down to 4600 at full throttle.

oh, and the engine is a 5.7 carb'd with TKS (turn key system). it says this right on the arrestor cover. not exactly sure what that is but.....


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
In many cases the water system pumps go out from not insuring all the water is out of the pump. Buddy of mine use to use a shop to winterize his boat and had to replace the pump 3 times. On the 3rd time we went down and figured out this was the cause, and no longer use them. I know get tapped to help him do it every winter :facepalm:

I think your stumble is because the carb needs cleaned out. The TKS carb has a module which provides more fuel while its warming up. Once warmed up the valve closes and it acts like a regular carb


May 14, 2015
the owner drove the boat back from my slip to the ramp while i got the trailer ready. its about a 3 minute run. the boat had sat for about an hour after we had completed the sea trial. she said it stalled initially when they pulled out of the slip but said it was fine the rest of the way and maneuvering to the ramp is pretty difficult. she had to change course 4 or 5 times from forward to reverse and she said it never stumbled then so not sure if it cleaned itself out or maybe it was temperature related? i was surprised because i figured it would stall several times at the ramp


More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
.... she had to change course 4 or 5 times from forward to reverse and she said it never stumbled then ...

Thought she said she never drove the boat, didn't know how to start it... Hmmmmm.


May 14, 2015
Thought she said she never drove the boat, didn't know how to start it... Hmmmmm.

she wasn't comfortable driving it. she made me drive it for the sea trial. at the end her friend that did all the work on the boat came down to look at the pump issues. she didn't want to drive it back to the ramp either but i had to get the trailer and wanted to be on the dock to help maneuver the boat to the ramp. it is a very tight turn with not much room so you kind of have to get the boat spun by hand. i have a copy of the 2013 survey they had done when they bought it and it had 175 hours. it now has 204 so they only put 29 hours on it in 5 years (it sat the last 3). but i think the friend did the majority of the driving when they did take it out.


More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
Thanks for clarifying. Anyway, seems like you got what you wanted, well done, and I expect we'll see you here a bit more often. :thumb:

When you do come back for help (they always come back :D), don't forget to post the engine, or drive, serial number. ;)

Best of luck.

Chris. ...