My tach is definitely jumping around some, I can hit 4800 with this prop and a light load, usually we get about 4600 with 4 light adults, 2 kids, and a couple heavy coolers. Haven't GPS'd it at those numbers but the speedo reads about 45-47. Prop works well, but is pretty beat up now, caught the edge of a boat ramp when lake was very low once and bent the tips of a blade or two. Going to replace it soon, but I definitely think I should be able to turn an 18 or 19 pitch 4 blade prop based on what i'm reading others are running. Motor has 190hrs now, and I haven't done anything to it other than change the oil. Seems to run fine, but will bog and stutter the first time of the day when hammering it to get on plane. Going to do a full tune up and rebuild the carb before purchasing a new prop and see if there is any change. I have no idea if it has ever been tuned up, so it could just be that i'm a little down on power for one reason or another.