Re: 2004 Salmon Run!
Got lucky last weekend, buddy and I spent all morning trying for halibut out at constance, then not having any luck with that we opted to try for salmon, almost immediatly hit an 8 pounder. 10 minutes later I remebered what it was like to have a big fish on the line again.
For the next hour we were kept busy fighting and landing 3, 20+ pound winter springs. It sure was exciting, biggest fish so far this year! They were all stuffed absolutely full of big herring. <br /><br />Also the Gorge bridges are starting to get busy again with everyone jigging for herring (dinner or bait?) Apparently last year a few salmon were caught while jigging for herring as the salmon follow them right up into the inlet. Sure would be hard to land a salmon in those conditions, using super light line, on a mini-casting rod, with 50 people standing right next to you, 25 feet up on a bridge, without a net!
<br /> <br />Good luck captnmike, let us know when you get lucky!<br />Ratherbefishin you get out last weekend? That must have been a big early spawner, cant imagine 32 pound feeders lurking out there. <br /><br />Seems to me that the runs are coming in earlier and lasting longer than in previouse years. However I am out there with gear in the water pretty much all year long now. Gotta be fishing before you can be catching.