Hello everyone,
I have a 2004 Mercury 90 HP Saltwater Series outboard, Model 90EXLPTO.
My motor didn't come with a wiring harness, so I purchased a brand new one. Can someone tell me where the tan and brown/white stripe wires connect to on the motor side? I found where the harness, Blue/white stripe, and Green/White stripe connect, but I don't see a tan and brown/white stripe wire to connect to on the motor side. Help!
I have the wiring diagram and the tan wire is for an accessory. Is it not needed?
The brown/White stripe looks like it's an accessory wire for the Tilt and Trim. Is this one not needed as well?
Pictures would be much appreciated!
Thank you.

I have a 2004 Mercury 90 HP Saltwater Series outboard, Model 90EXLPTO.
My motor didn't come with a wiring harness, so I purchased a brand new one. Can someone tell me where the tan and brown/white stripe wires connect to on the motor side? I found where the harness, Blue/white stripe, and Green/White stripe connect, but I don't see a tan and brown/white stripe wire to connect to on the motor side. Help!
I have the wiring diagram and the tan wire is for an accessory. Is it not needed?
The brown/White stripe looks like it's an accessory wire for the Tilt and Trim. Is this one not needed as well?
Pictures would be much appreciated!
Thank you.