2003 Honda 8 hp won’t start


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 19, 2012
Serial number is BACS 1204786 so I was wrong on it being a 2003 it is a 1997


Master Chief Petty Officer
Oct 20, 2010
I think I figured out the problem the camshaft pulley is not spinning the camshaft. The timing belt will spin, but the valves do nothing. I can get the camshaft to spin off the bolt that mounts the pulley to the camshaft, but not with the timing belt. I looked for the camshaft pulley for this engine but they are unavailable, can they be fixed?

That is very odd.. How did the camshaft pulley become disconnected from the cam? Did you remove it, or is it possible that someone partially disassembled the motor before you acquired it? Are you sure it was running when it was put away?

Regarding your question about the bolt that won't tighten; it's stripped, you have to fix that before re-assembling the motor. You can fix it with a heli-coil or time-sert.