Re: 2 trailering questions
That caused some strange things to happen but I think I'm making progress. I've disconnected, wire brushed and reconnected the grounds. There was the one on the tongue and actually 2 at each rear light. On the left rear of the trailer, the crimp on ring broke off when I tried to brush it so I stripped some of the wire and retightened. I didn't have any dielectric grease but am going to pick some up today along with a package of crimp on rings.
Here's what happens now.
1. When I plug in the trailer no lights come on, that's good.
2. When I turn on the parking lights they work. Also, when the parking lights are on and I press on the brake, the brake lights come on. Also good.
3. When I have no other lights on and I turn on the right signal, all the lights go out. Not so good!
4. When I turn on the left signal, all of the lights, right and left side blink.
5. When I have the left signal on and all the lights are blinking, if I turn on the parking lights, all the lights light up at their brightest levels and all stop blinking.
So, that's where I stand. I'm off to go look at an RV, will pick up my needed supplies and come back and look for more advice here. Thanks for all the help so far. I think I'm on the right track. Thank goodness summer isn't around the corner for me!
That caused some strange things to happen but I think I'm making progress. I've disconnected, wire brushed and reconnected the grounds. There was the one on the tongue and actually 2 at each rear light. On the left rear of the trailer, the crimp on ring broke off when I tried to brush it so I stripped some of the wire and retightened. I didn't have any dielectric grease but am going to pick some up today along with a package of crimp on rings.
Here's what happens now.
1. When I plug in the trailer no lights come on, that's good.
2. When I turn on the parking lights they work. Also, when the parking lights are on and I press on the brake, the brake lights come on. Also good.
3. When I have no other lights on and I turn on the right signal, all the lights go out. Not so good!
4. When I turn on the left signal, all of the lights, right and left side blink.
5. When I have the left signal on and all the lights are blinking, if I turn on the parking lights, all the lights light up at their brightest levels and all stop blinking.
So, that's where I stand. I'm off to go look at an RV, will pick up my needed supplies and come back and look for more advice here. Thanks for all the help so far. I think I'm on the right track. Thank goodness summer isn't around the corner for me!