2 trailering questions


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 11, 2010
This is my first year with sea-doo's and a boat. I've got 2 questions:

1. I hear that I should have the trailer tires elevated slightly so they don't get a "flat" area on them. How is this normally accomplished?

2. On the sea doo trailer, the trailer lights light up when connected to my truck harness. But, they don't do anything else, no turn signals or brake lights, always one brightness. They worked fine last time they were hooked up. The boat is the same way. Is this likely a problem with the vehicle harness and not the trailers? It's a 4-prong plug on my truck. There was a time towards seasons end when the male part of the plug on my truck got got bent towards the side. I straightened it back up but don't know if it messed with the connection.

I can buy an inexpensive tester and already have a multimeter if I could use that. I'm fairly ignorant of how to use it but with a little help from you folks I'm sure I could figure it out.

Looking forward to your input. Thanks in advance.


Apr 8, 2007
Re: 2 trailering questions

Buy a simple 12 volt tester from Auto Zone. Then you can test the vehicle plug first to be sure your getting signals through the plug. That will at least eliminate the tow vehicle. Tester only cost about $3
Second question. You can block up the trailer to prevent flat spots as some believe but I never have on any vehicles I've ever owned.


May 27, 2009
Re: 2 trailering questions

This is my first year with sea-doo's and a boat. I've got 2 questions:

1. I hear that I should have the trailer tires elevated slightly so they don't get a "flat" area on them. How is this normally accomplished?
Keep them full of air and you should be fine. I have never lifted any tires on any thing off the ground for storage.

2. On the sea doo trailer, the trailer lights light up when connected to my truck harness. But, they don't do anything else, no turn signals or brake lights, always one brightness. They worked fine last time they were hooked up. The boat is the same way. Is this likely a problem with the vehicle harness and not the trailers? It's a 4-prong plug on my truck. There was a time towards seasons end when the male part of the plug on my truck got got bent towards the side. I straightened it back up but don't know if it messed with the connection.
Yes, sounds like a vehicle wiring issue.

I can buy an inexpensive tester and already have a multimeter if I could use that. I'm fairly ignorant of how to use it but with a little help from you folks I'm sure I could figure it out.

Looking forward to your input. Thanks in advance.
You best friend is a test light for this. Multimeter is a pain.
The one odd pronge is the ground. Attach the clip to that one and then test the rest, Brown is tail lights, Green is left and Yellow is right. Brake lights take care of themselves. If you find a problem with the wiring, you can just replace the whole thing with a factory kit or one from an auto parts store. They just plug in to the factory wiring harness. No worries.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Re: 2 trailering questions

40 years ago tires got a flat spot over winter. The ones they make today are much better and don't do that.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 11, 2010
Re: 2 trailering questions

Thanks folks. I'll be purchasing an inexpensive tester today and will test accordingly.

Also thanks for the trailer tire info. I won't worry about the tires then.


May 29, 2008
Re: 2 trailering questions

That male pin on your truck wiring is your ground connection and the likely culprit for your trailer lighting issues. You'll probably have to replace the connector.

Gary H NC

Fleet Admiral
Dec 1, 2005
Re: 2 trailering questions

If parking in the grass for the Winter it is not a bad idea to put some 2X6 pieces under the tires.Keeps them from sinking into the ground.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 11, 2010
Re: 2 trailering questions

That male pin on your truck wiring is your ground connection and the likely culprit for your trailer lighting issues. You'll probably have to replace the connector.

Thanks Cribber. I'm sure you are right. It has gotten bent a time or two over the summer and I'm sure the connection is shot!


Jul 28, 2004
Re: 2 trailering questions

Bad ground on either truck or trailer is the #1 culprit on all things mysterious about trailer lights.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 11, 2010
Results from testing with Pen continuity tester

Results from testing with Pen continuity tester

Ok, I bought the Pen style continuity tester and just got done testing. Here's what I found:

I clipped the alligator clip to the bottom/male post. Then, with the parking lights on I tried the bottom female receptacle and it lit up very brightly. The 2nd up barely lit and the top barely lit. I then turn on the left signal I believe with the parking lights still on. Testing on 1st receptacle was still a solid light then testing on the next one up was a bright, blinking light and the top was barely lit. I changed signals to the right signal with the parking lights still on. The bottom receptacle still lit brightly, 2nd up a very dim light, top receptacle bright, blinking light.

I picked up a new harness from the auto parts store today. Is this needed or does it sound like things are working the right way?

Where should I look next?


Since I had the new wiring harness on hand, I plugged it in and got the exact same results as above. I'm not sure if that helps but want to give you all the info that I know. Thanks.


Jul 28, 2004
Re: 2 trailering questions

Start with checking for ground issue before you dig deeper. There should be at least 2 more grounding points on the trailer. One on or near the tounge, this one comes off the trailer harness. The other should be off one of the rear light. Make sure the ground wire is attached to an area with bare metal free of paint, rust.

Sounded like your truck is ok.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 11, 2010
Re: 2 trailering questions

OK, I appreciate it. Both trailers are at my girlfriends house so I'll check them in the morning when I run by. I appreciate the help.

Is there a way to tell if the trailers are grounded? I don't know if I mentioned it or not but when I hook up the trailers, all of the trailer lights come on but don't react at all when the brakes are applied or the turn signals are activated.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 24, 2008
Re: 2 trailering questions

To ground the trailer it has to be hooked to the truck. The lights are grounded to the trailer. That's allways been my understanding.


Nov 17, 2005
Re: 2 trailering questions

Make sure the ground terminal on the tow vehicle is has a good clean ground connection to the vehicle, then locate the ground connections on the trailer, take them loose, clean them, reconnect them. You may have to take the lights off of the rear to repair the grounds there, it could also be the ground circuit in the light itself, new lights will fix that. Just hook up the cable connector to the vehicle to check, the complete circuit should run through the trailer wires. You do not use the trailer ball as the ground circuit, it does not always make good connection.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: 2 trailering questions

Logic says that if both trailers react in exactly the same way, the problem is with the truck, not the trailers.

Bias ply tires can and will take a set or flat spot if left unused for extended periods. They will pound themselves out after a mile or so but for outside storage, the best protection is to remove them and store them indoors out of the sunlight. Sunlight ruins more tires than road miles.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 11, 2010
Re: 2 trailering questions

2nd update:

I picked up a new harness for my truck last night just in case. This morning I ran to the gf's house and using the old harness I plugged in the boat trailer. The left signal didn't work but the right one did. When I hooked up the sea doo's all the lights came on very brightly but no changes when signals were turned on etc. I switched out the harnesses and got the exact same results with the new harness.

I've got tomorrow off work so I'll clean and reconnect the grounds and see what happens then get back on here and update. Any further thoughts are appreciated. I may have to be talked through how to test the wires when the trailers are hooked up. Thanks again. It's frustrating but I love gaining the knowledge so I can use it in the future.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 23, 2010
Re: 2 trailering questions

Check for power at the tail lights, maybe the bulbs are blown


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 11, 2010
Re: 2 trailering questions

The boat trailer seems to be functioning fine but simply has a bulb that is out. Easy enough.

The Sea-Doo trailer still isn't cooperating. I looked at it tonight and noticed there are 3 ground wires. One is on the tongue and one comes from each of the tail lights and is grounded on the trailer frame. The plan is to disconnect, clean and reconnect tomorrow. What should I clean them with? I've got a wire brush and can use something like acetone or silicone spray etc. Just let me know what you think is best.

Next thought, If I test each wire on the trailer side of the plug, how is that done with the pen tester I have? I guess what I'm saying is where should I connect the alligator clip. Then I can test the wires and see if they are getting power from the truck. That seemed like a fairly logical process if cleaning the grounds doesn't work.


Jul 28, 2004
Re: 2 trailering questions

Wire brush, wipe clean and coat the surfaces with dielectric grease.
You're getting power from the truck because all of your lights do light up. The pen doesn't really work at the harness. If you want to check for power then you would have to check it at the individual bulb connector.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 11, 2010
Re: 2 trailering questions

Ok, I'm off to work on the grounds now. Hopefully I'll have this thing figured out here in a bit. I'll update shortly.