Re: 2.5L 4cyl Starting problems
Evening all,
So Today was spent washing waxing and refreshing the neglected gelcoat. After I got that taken care of I got back to getting the motor tuned up. So here is my issue, I am having some difficulty getting the motor to idle below 2k RPM. The book says that it should be much lower then that. In Gear Idle RPM is supposed to be 5-800 rpm. I have played with the idle adjustment on the carb, re-adujsted timing, and repeat. I was able to get it down to around 2k on the dash tach...I know not the most accurate... from the initial setting of over 3500 Any advice on getting the RPM's down to where they should be? also when I give it some throttle and rev up a little 4-4500 rpm it dies, and will re-start after pumping the throttle a few times and will go right back up to idling at 25-2700 rpm... I walk the timing advance and idle adjustment back down....hit the throttle and it stalls... This is all being done in the driveway on muffs... with the water on full blast. The temp is a little slow to come up above 130 and the oil pressure gauge is reading normal. 35-40PSI. Thanks for the help I appreciate it.
Any Ideas?