Re: 1st boat and lost
Mezman is right. And your problem is a very common one,for a boat that has been idle for longer than a few months...They don't like it.<br />You will need to determine whether it is a fuel problem or an ignition problem. Start by putting some mix in a spray bottle (3oz oil to 1 gal gas). Spray some into the carb throat, and try to start. As the engine starts to die, spray a bit of fuel in the throat again.<br />If it picks-up,it's fuel related. Probably the fuel pump,or a stuck float needle in the carb.<br />When you squeeze the primer, does it firm-up? Does gas spill out from the carb?<br /><br />Addendum: Something strange is happening with the site or my computer..I just posted this,and there were only two replies...Nobody types that fast, but at any rate, J.B and down, "we doubled".<br />Sorry about that. Mezman posted a link to find the year of your motor above (in his first reply).