Thanks Merc850.
Checked it out some today. Electricals check out except I can't do a running high speed test. One can't drive the boat and do that test. Two it has only ran WOT twice for about 5 min since I owned it.
Have solid blue spark across a gap tester. Didn't have fuel. Apparently the electric pump at 5 lb doesn't have enough ummph and air locked.
The carbs backdrained some very orange has when I took disconnected the line at the inline filter.
No idea where that came from.
Gas mix in the tank is fresh. The motor hasn't sat just doesn't run right.
Anyhoo I took out the electric pump put the bulb back in rehooked up the onboard fuel pump, got the Orange gas out using a suction pump to backfloe the carbs then primed with good Gas and gas went to the carbs.
I'll be on an idle speed only lake Monday. The distributer may get that oil in it again If the motor actually starts and I use it to move around some. If so I'll take a photo of it.
I'm tempted to remove those filters in the carbs as has been mentioned but not sure if id need new gaskets or something to put the caps back on.
It will cost me about 160 bucks to have top and bottom seals put in and another 80 plus parts to rebuild the carbs.
Can't afford that so soon after buying the boat.
Looking to sell a trike kit off my bike to fix the motor I guess.
Oh I did try blowing thru the fuel line before back flowing the carbs. I couldn't blow air thru. At all.
Motorcycle or car carb I would have been able too.
Not sure if these carbs should let me blow thru them or not. But gas is definitely going to them using the bulb now.