So I've posted a few others times about possibly having a bad fuel pump or stator. Tried fixing a few things myself with no luck so I took it to an outboard repair shop that specializes in Johnson and evinrudes. After keeping it 2 weeks they called and said I need a new EMM. They said a brand new one is $1950! I know these things can be sent out for repair for far less. I have a few questions though. Would you guys spend the money to fix the EMM or sell for parts and buy a different used motor - non FICHT. I know someone selling an early 90s Johnson for $1500. Also I've seen a lot of used EMM on eBay and wanted to know could I purchase one of these to replace mine? Would it have to be sent off somewhere to be "reprogrammed?". I know a lot about carbed engines but these injection ones are new to me. Kinda wish I had a carved one right now. I love my boat that the engine is on I'm also not sure how many hours are on the engine. The engine looks like it is in great shape - just runs hot and shutsdown after 10 minutes. Any thoughts would be appreciated.