1996 Bravo 1 Stern Drive Goes Down Won't Go Up


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jun 12, 2007
Troubleshooting. Drive went all the way down at end of summer but Trim Limit switch was missing . Replace both Limit switch and Trim position switch and hooked up new leads to existing wiring. Trim switch reads full down when key turned on but switch will only energize drive trim motor when pushed down, up does not work on trim or trailer switches. Have cleaned all solenoid connections and confirmed power feed and ground. Suspected bad up solenoid but it operates pump motor when jumped from small blue connection on right top small stud to power so assuming its good. . Now suspect trim switch. Descriptions for dash switch says blue wire is for up and green wire is for down and red is power. My trim switch has a red power feed a green wire at the top and a purple wire on the bottom..no blue wire. My trailer switch, which is also not working up has a red power feed and a blue wire on the bottom. The down/green wire works on the trim switch. Why isn't there a blue wire and whats with the purple wire. Then there is the trailer switch too. I can't find any wiring diagrams for these switches and trim circuits. Any help would be appreciated.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 25, 2022
Bravo trim pump, controls, wiring and troubleshooting.


  • Bravo trim_Manual.pdf
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