1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment


Feb 16, 2006
I have a 1995 Johnson 200HP that needs a carb adjustment and timing set(I've ordered a OMC shop manual). When I begin to adjust my low speed idle screw(flat head screw on carb?), how many turns should I turn out this screw before I begin fine tuning? Seloc manual has been worthless, so I will have to wait for OMC manual. Two differnt refernces mentioned turning out 1 1/2 turns, another showed 5 full turns! By the way, the reason I need adjustment, is because I adjusted the carbs after I thought I had a fuel restriction problem....even a mechanis had his hand at adjusting the carbs/timing etc,...but no improvement<br />Turned out that I had a burned Stator, and broken magnet on flywheel. She now starts up great, and revs, I'm just afraid that the timing, and carb adjustment is off. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

Grady....below is a procedure for check/setting the high end timing by Joe Reeves. It works.<br /><br />(Timing At Cranking Speed 4°)<br />(J. Reeves)<br />The full spark advance can be adjusted without have the engine running at near full throttle as follows. <br /><br />To set the timing on that engine, have the s/plugs out, and have the throttle at full, set that timer base under the flywheel tight against the rubber stop on the end of the full spark timer advance stop screw (wire it against that stop if necessary). <br /><br />Rig a spark tester and have the gap set to 7/16". Hook up the timing light to the #1 plug wire. Crank the engine over and set the spark advance to 4° less than what the engine calls for. <br /><br />I don't know the full spark advance setting your engine calls for, but to pick a figure, say your engine calls for 28°, set the timing at 24°. The reasoning for the 4° difference is that when the engine is actually running, due to the nature of the solid state ignition componets, the engine gains the extra 4°. <br /><br />If you set the engine to its true setting at cranking speed, when running it will advance beyond its limit by 4° which will set up pre-ignition causing guaranteed piston damage! You don't want that to take place. <br /><br />No need to be concerned about the idle timing as that will take care of itself. The main concern is the full advance setting. <br /><br />Be sure to use your own engines spark advance settings, not the one I picked out of the air here in my notes.<br /><br />Once you get the timing set and your manual, set the needles as outlined in the manual. Just remember, the boat should be in the water, in gear and unrestricted for low end adjusments.


Feb 16, 2006
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

OBJ-<br />Thanks for the info. When J. Reeves mentions..."rigging a spark tester" what does that mean? Is the spark tester just for the #1 cylinder S.plug, or is it for all the plug wires?Can I simply have the plugs out, and away from the engine? <br /><br />There is a stop screw below the flywheel, and then there is an adjustable screw that looks like it moves the "timer trigger"(and flywheel)? Which screw(or both) should I adjust?<br />I'm confused because, by adjusting the screw on the "trigger" it seems to move, or change the timing adjustment. I believe the one below directly below my flywheel is called the Spark Timer Advance screw, ane the other screw, is called the "Idle Speed Screw. I think I'm confusing myself. Please help me in which screw I should be adjusting, and if I'm to leave one alone, how will I know that it is correctly set? Sorry for the lenghty, and somewhat confusing thread...thanks, Jason


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

You adjust the timing by gauging how far the timer base moves. The timer base sets under the flywheel and an arm that protrudes out on the starboard side and is connected to the throttle lever by a link rod. The upper screw (what you called the trigger screw) is the timing adjustment screw. It should be running through a threaded hole in the intake manifold or block. It should also have a lock nut on it to lock the screw in place.<br /><br />The spark tester is a device you can look at the spark jump a gap with. You will want to use one so the energy will have a place to go. Not having one and cranking will endanger the electronics that make the spark. I've attached a link to a thread that has a pic of a homemade spark tester. Simple to make and use and a must for the shade tree mechanic.<br /><br />Here's the link.<br /><br /> http://forums.iboats.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=28;t=038398


Feb 16, 2006
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

OBJ-<br />Thanks for the link on the "spark tester." With six cylinders do you think I need a seperate tester for eack bank of plug wires? <br />Also, your posted link mentioned that the (J.Reeves) procedure sets the .."high speed timing", and that the idle timing will "take of itself." <br />With that said, how will subsequent adjustments to the "idle speed screw" affect the high speed timing, if any at all? <br />My concern, is once I get the high speed timing set, then I will probably have to adjust my carburetors. As it is now, I know the carbs are not adjusted properly. Can I even set the high speed timing prior to having the carbs "dialed-in?"<br />OBJ- You have been a great help, and I hope to build my spark tester tonight, and fire up the Johnson tomorrow...thanks again, Grady


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

The really sweet thing about Joe's procedure is that you do it with the engine NOT running. The carb low end adjustment will have no effect on the high end at all.<br /><br />You will need a gap for every spark to jump. So that means a three gap tester for each side of the engine. Set the gap to 1/2". The spark should be a hot lighting like spark....the sign of a good spark.<br /><br />The low end idle adjustment (the screw on the throttle lever) just advances or retards the timing at idle. This will not effect the high end timing at all.....only just how fast you get to the high end timing stop. It's nothing to worry about.<br /><br />Once you get your manual, read over the timing and synchronization section a couple times before you do the procedure. Once over won't do you any good. You need to "see" what's going on in order to understand it.<br /><br />And don't be afraid to post any questions you may have here on iboats. Lot of good folks here ready to help. And the best damn part........it's free...... :D :D


Feb 16, 2006
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

OBJ,<br />Thanks for the info. As a matter of clarification (again), after setting the "full spark timer advance stop screw" against the rubber stop, is this then the same screw that I'm adjusting for the high end timing? <br />I guess I'm confused, because I adjusted the screw on the "throttle lever" for the idle adjustment, thinking this same screw also adjusted the high end timing. So sorry, that I have bombarded you with so many questions, for seemingly, a simple adjustment...I guess I'm afraid to set the timing incorrectly, and hose up my engine. Thanks again for all of your advice/suggestions....Grady


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

Not a problem Grady...... :) <br /><br />Yes....the screw with the rubber stop is the high end timing screw. Once it's set, forget it.<br /><br />The screw on the throttle lever is just to tweek in the idle. This will all be laid out in the manual.<br /><br />While your waiting for the manual, check the BRP link below. When it comes up, click on engine diagrams and follow the prompts. When you get your year model up, just go throug the parts break downs. Might help your understanding of what every thing is called. Can't hurt....<br /><br /> http://www.evinrude.com/en-US/


Feb 16, 2006
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

OBJ-<br />Thanks again for all the follow-up. You have really clarified /simplified the timing issue. I will check out your link that you have posted, and hopefully it will all become crystal clear..."tight lines", GRADY


Feb 16, 2006
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

OBJ-<br />I verified the high speed timing as instructed, and the engine was already set at 18-BTDC. So your instructions definetly worked! Trailered my boat down to the river, ran her up to 5000K, and the timing was dead on at 18-BTDC. Now if I can just get the low idle set. <br /><br />Looked at the Seloc manual, and from 1995 to 1996, there were two different intial carb settings.<br />1995-2 1/2 turns<br />1996-5 turns<br />when engines engines are destroyed because of lean carbs, how lean is lean...are we talking 1/2 turn out?<br /><br />Any idea what the big difference was between the 95 carb, and the 96 carb? I tried tweaking the carbs today, trying to here some noticable engine change when screwing in/out the adjustment needles, but it did not seem to make much difference. Any idea how I should tackle this problewm? Also manual says idle timing should be about 4-6 ATDC, does that sound about wright?<br />Thanks again for all your help, GRADY


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

Grady it sounds like you need to do a full link and sync on the engine. This will get the low end timing and throttle plate opening in sync. Right now it sounds like your throttle plates are a little open at idle if the low speed adjustment does'nt make any difference. Does your manual cover this procedure?<br /><br />Generally lean conditions are caused by dirty carbs. But you don't want to get the low speed needle in to far either. 2 1/2 turns is just a start point. But all other areas of the link and sync must be good. I don't have the manual in front of me so I couldn't tell you if the 2 1/2 turns out is right.<br /><br />Be real nice if you had an OEM manual.


Rear Admiral
Jan 24, 2002
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

I believe your Sealoc manual is wrong. The midyear '93 and '94 big V-6's used an air bleed adjustment needle that usually needed 1 1/2 turns to run.<br /><br />Later motors had a small very fine treaded screw for the idle fuel adjustment, and those need about 5-6 turns open to work correctly.<br /><br />Make sure the thermostats are working correctly to allow the motor to warm up to about 140° to idle well.


Feb 16, 2006
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

Thanks for that information, however without a manual I'm just really not sure what my intial carb setting should be. I suppose I can start at 5 1/2 turns and go from there..thanks, GRADY


Rear Admiral
Jan 24, 2002
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

Originally posted by GRADY204:<br /> Thanks for that information, however without a manual I'm just really not sure what my intial carb setting should be.
IF you tell us the complete model number, we can tell you what the initial setting should be.


Feb 16, 2006
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

MODEL # J200TXEOC, <br />SER# G03900547. hope that is helpfull in finding the proper, intial carb setting..thanks, GRADY


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

The initial carb setting is 2 1/2 turns off the seat. Remember, seat the needle GENTLY.


Feb 16, 2006
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

OBJ-<br />When I'm setting the idle timing w/ the carbs at 2 1/2 turns, what should my intial timing be, before I pop her into gear? Reason I ask, because I had her down(at the boat ramp) trying to get the carbs close, and she just would not idle. I tried five turns, three turns, just wondering if my idle timing should be set at TDC, or should I be back at 4-6 ATDC? Seloc manual mentioned 4-6 ATDC while in gear..hmm? just having a heck of a time...any help would be greatly appreciated, GRADY


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

Ya' really need the OEM manual Grady..... :) <br /><br />Unless one of the other guys know, I'll have to wait till I get to the shop tomorrow and take a look. The 4-6 sounds right.<br /><br />I believe your missing some enitial steps in the sync and link.....like setting up the carb linkage.<br /><br />Each step must be done in order so that the engine will run with the intial carb needle setting.


Feb 16, 2006
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

OK, <br />Before the Stator became bad she ran great, would the "link" go out after I replaced the Stator? When you refer the the link, are you referring to all the butterflys opening at the same exact moment? I'll try again tomorrow after I here back from you..thanks, GRADY


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: 1995 Johnson 200HP carb adjustment

Yes and the sync is getting them to come open at just the time with the timing.