Re: 1994 120 force o/b won't start
Thanks again Frank.
I made up this little test board jigger to ground the plugs whilst I'm cranking the engine with the plugs out. It does well. It's just a bit of nice marine ply with 4 X 15mm holes in it and piece of wiper blade metal under each washer. Then I just attach a short little jumper lead to the motor and watch the spark. These plugs are the ones I pulled out, the BUHW ones and for some reason the spark is nowhere near as strong with these as with the correct BUZHW ones in. The only difference between them is that the BUZHW ones have about 55 Ohms resistance between the top of the plug and the centre electrode. My carbs have that air bleed jet underneath that plastic screw in cap in photo 3 and it came out clean as a whistle, blew carb cleaner through that fine. On the inside of the carbs on my engine where you show the 1 hole at the top of the butterfly, I have 3. One is the same size and in the same location as in yours but I have 2 much smaller holes there just to the starboard side and a little further back towards the engine. Anyway, the carb cleaner sprayed nicely out of all these holes too.
The brass dip tube allowed a nice stream of cleaner to spray through it also.
I'm going to remove the bowls off the carbs, remove the plugs, spray a bit of oil rich pre-mix in through the plug holes for lubrication, crank it for 30 or 40 seconds with throttle wide open (and no fuel going in) then put everything back together put 5cc of fuel in each cylinder put the plugs back in and then it's going to start and run like a dream. No! Hang on a minute. This must have been a dream I was having.

Thanks again Frank.
I made up this little test board jigger to ground the plugs whilst I'm cranking the engine with the plugs out. It does well. It's just a bit of nice marine ply with 4 X 15mm holes in it and piece of wiper blade metal under each washer. Then I just attach a short little jumper lead to the motor and watch the spark. These plugs are the ones I pulled out, the BUHW ones and for some reason the spark is nowhere near as strong with these as with the correct BUZHW ones in. The only difference between them is that the BUZHW ones have about 55 Ohms resistance between the top of the plug and the centre electrode. My carbs have that air bleed jet underneath that plastic screw in cap in photo 3 and it came out clean as a whistle, blew carb cleaner through that fine. On the inside of the carbs on my engine where you show the 1 hole at the top of the butterfly, I have 3. One is the same size and in the same location as in yours but I have 2 much smaller holes there just to the starboard side and a little further back towards the engine. Anyway, the carb cleaner sprayed nicely out of all these holes too.
The brass dip tube allowed a nice stream of cleaner to spray through it also.
I'm going to remove the bowls off the carbs, remove the plugs, spray a bit of oil rich pre-mix in through the plug holes for lubrication, crank it for 30 or 40 seconds with throttle wide open (and no fuel going in) then put everything back together put 5cc of fuel in each cylinder put the plugs back in and then it's going to start and run like a dream. No! Hang on a minute. This must have been a dream I was having.