There is no exact way or method to start every older two stroke, they seem to all have slight preferences in just what needs to be done, all these suggestions are just that, suggestions. If you understand what's going on you can at least tweak your methods until you get it just right for how your motor needs to be started.
There is no confusion on how the primer valve works, it's been described here accurately several times, if someone tells you something different they don't know what they're talking about. Without turning the key try to push it in, it either won't go in or won't click, turn it to the on position and push it in, you will hear a click, that's the solenoid. when you hear the click you know it opened. Again, it's not a pump, the only pressure supplied is from the fuel pump or the squeeze bulb, once you push the key in the fuel will squirt in, then slow to a stop, it won't squirt more in after that, although if you have the hose pulled off you may see a little trickle come out.
If you squeeze the bulb while holding the key in fuel will be pumped into the motor, it will also be pumped in when the motor is cranking, one of those two things need to take place for it to supply fuel.