Re: 1993 70HP Rude, vro disco'd.. believe to be in slow mode
I have a small button under the ignition.. I thought that was the horn like a car horn.. that button does not have a wire connected to it behind the control panel..
I thought that the slow mode can be reset tho? I'm kind of confused here (if that isn't obvious)
I thought slow mode was caused by A. overheat. b. low oil..c..??
If I didn't get an alarm (even tho the horn isn't working...) Wouldn't I be able to get passed 3000 rpm when the engine cooled down? .. UNLESS the cooling system is completely F'd??!
I also think it may be carb related, seeing as though It worked, then when I got into muddy water, it didn't work.. and reverting back to the cooling system, muddy water gets sucked in, impeller doesn't work properly, equals low rpm?? How is the water pissing out (that is getting sucked in BY the impeller) relatively cool equal an impeller/tstat issue?