1993 70HP Rude, vro disco'd.. believe to be in slow mode


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 2, 2006
Re: 1993 70HP Rude, vro disco'd.. believe to be in slow mode

overheat horn does not sound...


Supreme Mariner
Jun 21, 2007
Re: 1993 70HP Rude, vro disco'd.. believe to be in slow mode

The horn will be located in the remote control. Start by inspecting it, cleaning up ground and ensuring the wiring is in fact intact. Is it a small black plastic one? They are somewhat overpriced in my opinion. If cleaning it up does not fix it, it will need to be remedied.

Very likely than that you are in fact going into SLOW, and not dropping a cylinder.

I would go ahead and replace the impeller and thermostats. Get the full water pump kit and t stat kit. When the lu is down, and the thermostats out, flush compressed air or the garden hose up the water line to the t stat housing, then back down from the housing to the water line. Also clean out the water intake area. This should ensure that you do not overheat anymore. Do you have a manual, it would help when doing this. This video may also help.



Supreme Mariner
Jun 21, 2007
Re: 1993 70HP Rude, vro disco'd.. believe to be in slow mode

You will need:

OMC Stock Numbers:

1 t stat cover gasket #0329830
1 t stat assembly #0436195
1 Diaphragm and cup # 0435957
1 Water Pump repair kit #0432955
1 can BRP Gasket Sealing Compound (will have a brush built into the lid)

Sierra Kit Available here at iboats(water pump and t stat):


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Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 2, 2006
Re: 1993 70HP Rude, vro disco'd.. believe to be in slow mode

I have a small button under the ignition.. I thought that was the horn like a car horn.. that button does not have a wire connected to it behind the control panel..

I thought that the slow mode can be reset tho? I'm kind of confused here (if that isn't obvious)

I thought slow mode was caused by A. overheat. b. low oil..c..??

If I didn't get an alarm (even tho the horn isn't working...) Wouldn't I be able to get passed 3000 rpm when the engine cooled down? .. UNLESS the cooling system is completely F'd??!

I also think it may be carb related, seeing as though It worked, then when I got into muddy water, it didn't work.. and reverting back to the cooling system, muddy water gets sucked in, impeller doesn't work properly, equals low rpm?? How is the water pissing out (that is getting sucked in BY the impeller) relatively cool equal an impeller/tstat issue?


Supreme Mariner
Jun 21, 2007
Re: 1993 70HP Rude, vro disco'd.. believe to be in slow mode

S.L.O.W. is Speed Limiting Overheat Warning. It reduces the speed of the motor if it reaches a hot condition. Usually drops it to around 2500 or less and runs rough. Stop motor, turn off key and restart to reset the SLOW. But if the motor is hot, the same will happen.

Low oil, fuel restriction, etc will cause the alarm to sound, but is not part of the SLOW system.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 2, 2006
Re: 1993 70HP Rude, vro disco'd.. believe to be in slow mode

Right.. but how is it hot on initial startup? Is it hot because the cooling system is not properly working?

If the cooling system is not working right, how is the water coming out of the engine NOT HOT?

This is where we are bumping heads, so to speak.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 21, 2007
Re: 1993 70HP Rude, vro disco'd.. believe to be in slow mode

Sorry, so you are saying you are limited to 2500 RPM on initial start up??

Also, when you tested the horn, was the key in the 'on' position, then ground out the tan heat sensor wire that you'll find protruding from the cylinder head?


Supreme Mariner
Jun 21, 2007
Re: 1993 70HP Rude, vro disco'd.. believe to be in slow mode

This would lead me to believe then that you are dropping a cylinder. Test with an inductive timing light, or an inline spark tester set to 7/16 of an inch. The spark should easily jump the gap with a bright blue ZAP!! Also make sure the tan temperature switch wire is not located next to a spark plug wire. That is not to say that you should not still get the horn fixed as well as the cooling system rebuild that I mentioned earlier.

This was a portable fuel tank correct?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 2, 2006
Re: 1993 70HP Rude, vro disco'd.. believe to be in slow mode

I found the horn behind all the wiring in the control panel.. I swapped the terminals on the horn.. and turned the key, and walla...I got a beep.

I am assuming this is the beep that I should be getting letting me know the system is working..

However, I again tried to ground out the Thermostat switch and nothing.no beep.

Yes, key was turned to ON position.. Now that I believe the horn to be working, I will start the engine in the driveway to see if the horn sounds to indicate overheating.

Portable tank?? Umm.. The tank is removable from the boat.. but I'm not using an external tank to give the engine the gas, no.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 2, 2006
Re: 1993 70HP Rude, vro disco'd.. believe to be in slow mode

... question.. If I have a "spun prop" do the symptoms that are described match?

Would the engine still not rev past 3000 RPM because of a "spun prop?"


Chief Petty Officer
Nov 26, 2007
Re: 1993 70HP Rude, vro disco'd.. believe to be in slow mode

If spun prop the engine would rev almost like ventilation, would go higher than 3000 rpm.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 2, 2006
Re: 1993 70HP Rude, vro disco'd.. believe to be in slow mode

Pulled my spark plugs today.. top plug is white (NO FIRE) Tested wires for continuity.. wire didn't have any.. bought new plugs and wire... will test tomorrow... HOPEFULLY, its fixed??