1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 7, 2012
Let me do a quick run down. I have no spark out of coil. I'm using an inline spark tester on the high tension lead from coil to distributor cap.

Coil is new (3rd one)
Ignition sensor new (few months)
New batteries
New cables
New plugs
New plug wires
New starter
New ignition switch

I have run the TBIV test and it kind of points to the ignition module. However, sometimes the spark just comes back after working on something else in the boat. I took a couple of large waves over the side of my boat a few weeks back which shut everything down and the boat wouldn't start. It appears that the module connection got inundated with water/corrosion so I removed, cleaned, and added new grease where it connects to the distributor and it fired right up. I went to get a new timing light to reset timing and now, NO spark. This boat has had a consistent electrical gremlin since I purchased. I did find a worn through battery cable that was grounding to the engine so I assumed I was getting excessive voltage drop and that was causing my electrical issues. However, now that everything has been repaired, and the engine has run, I'm not sure why it doesn't have spark again after only 30 minutes of me going to get a new timing light. Could the fact that the distributor clamp bolt is an avenue of grounding the ignition module? I only loosen the bolt just enough so I can turn the distributor. I'm going to run through the tests again and clean and tighten the clamp and check for spark again. Any help would be great. It's like one day there will be spark...it'll run, then pow, nothing. Coil does test on the bench as well. Charge the positive side, release, and there is spark... My left arm is sore because of holding the spark test incorrectly.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

Let me do a quick run down. I have no spark out of coil. I'm using an inline spark tester on the high tension lead from coil to distributor cap.

Coil is new (3rd one)
Ignition sensor new (few months)
New batteries
New cables
New plugs
New plug wires
New starter
New ignition switch

I have run the TBIV test and it kind of points to the ignition module. However, sometimes the spark just comes back after working on something else in the boat. I took a couple of large waves over the side of my boat a few weeks back which shut everything down and the boat wouldn't start. It appears that the module connection got inundated with water/corrosion so I removed, cleaned, and added new grease where it connects to the distributor and it fired right up. I went to get a new timing light to reset timing and now, NO spark. This boat has had a consistent electrical gremlin since I purchased. I did find a worn through battery cable that was grounding to the engine so I assumed I was getting excessive voltage drop and that was causing my electrical issues. However, now that everything has been repaired, and the engine has run, I'm not sure why it doesn't have spark again after only 30 minutes of me going to get a new timing light. Could the fact that the distributor clamp bolt is an avenue of grounding the ignition module? I only loosen the bolt just enough so I can turn the distributor. I'm going to run through the tests again and clean and tighten the clamp and check for spark again. Any help would be great. It's like one day there will be spark...it'll run, then pow, nothing. Coil does test on the bench as well. Charge the positive side, release, and there is spark... My left arm is sore because of holding the spark test incorrectly.

Ayuh,... Sounds like ya Still got Connection Problems,...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 7, 2012
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

I've checked the lanyard switch and it appears to be healthy. With key on, pull switch, kills everything. What or where can I check to find a bad connection?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 7, 2012
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

Hi Tension Coil Lead.jpgSensor Leads.jpg

Ok, I have 12 volts at positive terminal on coil with ignition on. I disconnected the red/white wire from ignition module to ignition sensor and have 11.90 volts on module side of red/white wire. (Note:) When I went to plug red/white bullets back together, it sparked through the hi-tension coil wire lead indicated by my inline spark checker. I could unplug the red/white and do this but it only did it a couple times then quit. I would think with the key on, the coil should charge, and when the red/white bullet connectors are connected it should discharge the coil every time. Why only a couple times then quit?

Next test, with ignition on, disconnect the bullet on the green/white leads, I grounded my hi-tension lead, striking the green/white lead bullet, no arc/spark at the bullet. So does this indicate I need a new coil or a new module? I've tested the coil on the bench and it will charge and discharge with 12V on the positive terminal and then removing it causing a discharge of the spark. However, it doesn't seem very strong. The spark is orange in my in line spark checker. Can I go purchase a cheap automotive coil to test and see if the coil is bad before purchasing a new marine one?

Also, could the battery cable that was grounding to the block cause early coil breakdown. Is the module protected from this?


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

Also, could the battery cable that was grounding to the block cause early coil breakdown. Is the module protected from this?

Ayuh,.... Which battery cable,..??


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 7, 2012
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

I have dual batteries, but it was one of the positive cables. So no matter which battery I was running, or both, it was grounding/arcing all the time. I believe the voltage drops was also causing premature starter failures as well. Just guessing though.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

Replace the cable, make it long enough so you can clamp it to the transom so that can't happen again. Then run the boat and see how things work.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 7, 2012
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

I've already replaced the cable. I'm still having the spark issues. I'm just assuming that the cable was what was causing all my gremlins. However, I still am not getting spark per the test I ran above.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 7, 2012
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

I'm going to buy an automotive coil that fits a '74 corvette with a 7.4L and test the system with it. They're $20 and I'll keep it around for testing. I'm down to the coil or module. The intermittent spark has me baffled. It just doesn't make any sense. Sometimes it sparks, sometimes it doesn't.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 7, 2012
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

Substituted new coil in place of old. Still no spark. I'm assuming it's the high dollar ignition module? Any yays or nays? Dang!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 19, 2011
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

I'm confused. When you ground the WHITE/GREEN wire, do you get a spark? If this doesn't spark reliably than I don't see how its the ignition module - although I'm no expert.

I had a problem early on with my boat where one of my batteries was drained from leaving the radio on over night. The other battery had a very bad connection on the ground. The engine would crank over, but the voltage decreased so much that it was not enough to cause a strong spark. I was shocked (excuse the pun), that there was enough energy to crank the engine, but not cause a spark. Anyways, triple check your electrical connections. Remove and sand every connection you can get so its shiny metal. I only found mine since a friend burned his hand on the bad connection.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 7, 2012
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

Pyrotek, I would agree with you about the bad cables or what not. However, I have new cables, batteries, coils, sensor, plugs, wires, cap, ignition switch. Still no spark... then sometimes... I'll get a spark. Turn engine off, come back hour later...nothing. It makes it extremely difficult to diagnose a situation. Right now, I have zero spark. 12V at coil, 12V at red/white lead, but when I ground the high tension lead and strike the green/white lead on to ground I have zero spark/arc. So far, all things lead to module...the one thing I haven't changed. My wife thinks this boat is just evil and it hates me. One day it'll run fine, day 2 won't spark. I'm thinking that this module just has some kind of querk/gremlin in it and is fried. Maybe it's finally gone for good.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 7, 2012
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

Don, does this 5.7L fit the 7.4L. I'm pretty certain the distributor/gears are the same on either engine. How does the electrical hook up to the existing wiring system or does the kit come with directions? Thanks for your help!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 7, 2012
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

I'm sold! I'm sick of this TBIV system. Too dang querky for my taste. Hello EST! The new distributor is a plus!

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

Volvo, Marine Power, Crusader, and all the other Marine engine companies use the EST, Easy parts to find when needed and they don't fail very often.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 7, 2012
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

Ok, I removed the complete ignition system out of the boat, distributor, module, sensor and coil. I then built the system on my work bench. Walllah! It works now. The only wire that is not on my bench system..... IS THE TACHOMETER WIRE! I did a simulated grounding of a tachometer wire and guess what, no spark! I'm betting, that I can reinstall this system, less the tach wire...and it'll work. So yes, in a sense, it seems to be a bad connection, wire or possibly a diode in the tachometer. I've had this happen to me on my race car. Will keep posted!

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

From your original post.

I have run the TBIV test and it kind of points to the ignition module.

Here is the troubleshooting chart. Top right in the chart.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 7, 2012
Re: 1993 7.4L/Bravo 1 - Thunderbolt IV Ignition Issues (Again)

Yeah Don, I guess I read the Alpha Drives Only part and skipped it because I have a Bravo. Kinda confusing. In any case, this goes beyond my technical ability. I put everything back on the boat and did not connect the tach wire. Guess what, no spark, again? There must be some higher power at work. Is there anything else I can be missing? I mean, the module and everything works fine on the bench. I have 12V at the positive terminal on the coil with key on and two new batteries fully charged. Is there any other test that can isolate what the problem is. By all rights, I should have spark.