1992 johnson 30 horse won't idle longer than 10 seconds


Nov 9, 2012
I have a 1992 Johnson 30 horse electric start. When I bought my motor it wouldn't idle at all so I tore the carb apart and cleaned it and after doing that it was doing the same thing. So I was going to tear into the carb again and when I pulled off the fuel hose from the carb it spit all these little black chunks out which turned out to be pieces of hose that was deteriorating. I replaced all the hoses and cleaned the carb again and now it will start and idle for about 10 seconds then die. If you choke it every few seconds it will continue to run but I can not get it to run on its own. What do I have to do to get it to idle?


Nov 9, 2012
Re: 1992 johnson 30 horse won't idle longer than 10 seconds

Anyone have any ideas?


Jul 10, 2011
Re: 1992 johnson 30 horse won't idle longer than 10 seconds

Anyone have any ideas?

How thoroughly did you clean the carb? Did you pull out the aluminum plugs and clean under them? If not, I'd recommend doing so. You get the plugs in a rebuild kit, so at that point, you may as well go ahead and rebuild the thing.


Nov 13, 2007
Re: 1992 johnson 30 horse won't idle longer than 10 seconds

x2.. clean carb again.. pay attention to main jet, could be partially clogged. Idle fuel passages in carb throat (under welch plug) could be blocked. Even if you poke through idle holes from inside the throat, you may have a hunk of gunk in the chamber under the plug, clogging 'em back up immediately upon starting.

Good luck!


Nov 9, 2012
Re: 1992 johnson 30 horse won't idle longer than 10 seconds

Well I cleaned everything I could think of but to be honest this is my first motor I've ever torn into and don't know where y'all are talking about.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2008
Re: 1992 johnson 30 horse won't idle longer than 10 seconds

First motor you've torn into, of any type? It would help for you to get a schematic of the carb - marineengines.com or Shop2evinrude.com
The welch plugs are like tiny freeze out plugs. Poke a hole in them, thread a screw in them to pull them out (carefully). Use proper size punch to install new ones. Disassemble carb and soak in Seafoam for a week. Then use compressed air AND carb cleaner in all passages for 20 minutes or the whole can. This worked for me!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 7, 2011
Re: 1992 johnson 30 horse won't idle longer than 10 seconds

Your motor has the primer circuit for choke, right? This sounds like when you are choking you deliver fuel past the carb directly to barrel and at idle there's not enough fuel delivered from carb. The primer is fed also by the fuel pump, but this could also be that your fuel pump is blocked / shot in case the fuel lines were also in that condition. You could try to keep it idling by pumping fuel manually from the primer, then check if the fuel bowl in carb is empty after the engine stalls.

Then you should check that fuel is delivered to the carb when priming, and after that that the fuel is pumped to the carb when cranking the engine. Ground the spark plug wires out when testing or you might have a fire or an explosion.

If fuel enters into carb and supply remains steady, then the problem should lie in the idle orifice or behind it. Remove the orifice (Buy the special screw driver or you could be looking for a new carb body!) Use a compressed air can that are intended for cleaning electronics and blow some air into the idle passage, air should flow freely into the barrel of the carb and you should feel the air pressure if you put your finger on the holes in the barrel.

If fuel does not enter carb, open and check the pump and carb needle valve. First remove the fuel line from carb and ensure that the pump operates, then renew the needle valve.

Finally should you go after the low speed adjustment, my older 35hp outboard will also stall at idle every now and then if the idle is set too low and/or mixtures are off.


Sep 18, 2008