Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions
You can take the thermostat out and put it in a pan of water and heat the water up. It should open when the water temp. gets to 130? - 140? F.
Water coming out of the exhaust snout with the motor turned off. Hmmm, that one I don't know about. I wouldn't think that the water would be able to work it's way past the water pump impeller blades if they're not actually turning. If it's a small amount that's coming out I don't think I would worry too much about it, at least not for now. If it's coming out at full flow like a garden hose, then I'd drop the lower unit to make sure the water tube and water pump housing, and gaskets are all in place and all bolts/nuts tightened down on the water pump housing. You can hook the water muffs up to the lower unit while it's out and look for problem leaks.
Gas sitting in the intake is normal, especially if you haven't run the motor at WOT.