1990 force 90 rebuild questions


Jun 16, 2013
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

thank you very very much jerry i really appreciate your help


Jun 16, 2013
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

ok now i put the power head and everything back together and all the wires are correct and everything is done time to start it first time it crank did not fire up the i give it shock it the fuse burned out change fuse and it burn again once i shock it checked the wires and everything and i finally found the problem after burning like 15 fuses shock solenoid nut the one for the wire was touching the the ground so i moved up the shock lil bit and that fix the fuse burn problem . ok now its cranking but never fire up i feels theres something wrong with carbs dos not give gas to to engine to start i dont know im just so disappointed now after all this work . so what you guys think should i just take it to the shop and let them fix it or should i give it another try with adjusting the carbs float again . thanks for everybody who helped me specially jerry and pnwboat thnks alot guys


Rear Admiral
Oct 8, 2007
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

Don't give up yet! Start with the basics first. Check the compression first if you have not already done so. Regardless of what the seller said about the engine, it's always a good idea to check compression on a recently purchased power head.

Check for spark on all four plugs. Take your timing light and see if the timing is set correctly.

If you have spark, then start looking at the fuel system. Take the plugs out, and take about a tablespoon of 2-stroke fuel and squirt into each cylinder. Put the plugs back in and see if it fires.

I know you've probably spent hours and hours working on this but you've got the hardest part done (swapping the power head). The rest of this doesn't take a lot of physical effort, but does require some methodical step by step trouble-shooting. And most of all.....do not assume anything! May be something simple as a ground wire that is not connected etc.


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

The easiest thing to do is put the flywheel on wrong??? Check the flywheel key.


Jun 16, 2013
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

pnwboat yea that is the first thing i did compression test and spark test compression is 110.115.118 what u think is that good or no and the plugs all sparks . i dont have Timing Light is there is anything i can do to check timing without Timing Light .
jerry i just checked flywheel key it it is on right . i checked fuel line i took off the hose from fuel filter to carb and squeezed the bulb and fuel comes out and then i connected it back to the carbs squeezed it 2 times and the bulb gets really hard like a rock .so i think the problem is the carbs float or somthing


Rear Admiral
Oct 8, 2007
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

Compression readings should be good enough to run OK.

Are you putting the throttle in the neutral fast idle position? Also, don't choke more than 3 or 4 seconds at a time otherwise you'll flood the motor and it will not start.

Make sure the battery is 100% charged and all of you battery connections, positive and negative cables are good and clean so that the starter will spin the motor fast enough to generate enough voltage to fire the plugs.

Even if the timing was off, it should pop or backfire or do something if it has good spark.

NOTE: Spark should be able to jump at least 3/8" to a 1/2" gap.


Jun 16, 2013
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

yeaaa it works finally . first of all i have to thank you pnwboat and jerry so so much . ok heres what i happened i took the carbs off and readjusted the float and fuel/air screw and put them back on try and nothing happen same think then i have one of my friends helpin me out and while i was cranking it he was squeezing the fuel bulb and suddenly bam it fire up for couple sec then then tried again without squeezing the bulb and it fire right up and it did not stop the problem was the bulb was clogged but it got real hot and the alarm comes off so i turned it off right away .now i still got more questions lol :D why it got so hot ? and ther was water comin down from the exhaust so is that normal or not ?


Rear Admiral
Oct 8, 2007
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

A couple of things to check for the overheating. Bad thermostat. Water pump impeller worn out. If you're using muffs to supply the cooling water, make sure you're getting enough water pressure, and that the muffs are correctly aligned over the water intake opening.

Water coming out with the exhaust is normal, but what exactly do you mean by "water coming down from the exhaust"?


Jun 16, 2013
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

water pump impeller is brand new . how can i check if the thermostat is bad or not or should i just change it ?
i meant coming out with the exhaust but even when i turned the motor off water was still coming out from exhaust snout
thnx pnwboat


Jun 16, 2013
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

also i seen some gas inside the CARBURETOR INTAKE so is that normal or something wrong ?


Rear Admiral
Oct 8, 2007
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

You can take the thermostat out and put it in a pan of water and heat the water up. It should open when the water temp. gets to 130? - 140? F.

Water coming out of the exhaust snout with the motor turned off. Hmmm, that one I don't know about. I wouldn't think that the water would be able to work it's way past the water pump impeller blades if they're not actually turning. If it's a small amount that's coming out I don't think I would worry too much about it, at least not for now. If it's coming out at full flow like a garden hose, then I'd drop the lower unit to make sure the water tube and water pump housing, and gaskets are all in place and all bolts/nuts tightened down on the water pump housing. You can hook the water muffs up to the lower unit while it's out and look for problem leaks.

Gas sitting in the intake is normal, especially if you haven't run the motor at WOT.


Jun 16, 2013
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

ok i got some update we took it to the water today and it did not start till we adjusted the idle screw and it was ruining pretty good but when i tried to reverse the motor jump and it wont go reverse just keeps jumping every time i shift it and sometimes it dies so wht should i do with that ? and it dies couple times when i was goin wot so do i need to do some more adjustment ?


Rear Admiral
Oct 8, 2007
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

Sounds like your linkage needs to be adjusted. There is a vertical shift rod that comes out of the lower unit. Disconnect the rod. I believe that yours has a small pin and a cotter key that disconnects it. With it disconnected, pull the shift rod up and take a marker and draw a line even with the casting where the rod comes up through. Next push it all the way down and draw a line. Pull it back up and draw a line halfway between the upper and lower. Adjust your linkage so that the middle line is even with the casting when you are in neutral.

Have you looked at the fuel pump diaphragm?


Jun 16, 2013
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

pnwboat sorry and excuse my dumb question which rod your talking about the upper one the one it has 2 nuts or the one its comin out from the lower unit coz the one in the lower unite it does not go up or down that much . also today i took my boat to the water again so yesterday it was running good but no reverse as i told ya before but today once i shift it to wot it dies right away so we was goin like 5mph all day thats sucks lol i tried to adjust the idle screw with no different so no i got tow problems no reverse and no wot :(


Jun 16, 2013
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

About the fuel pump diagram yea I checked it was good and I replaced the 2 gasket but I'm thinking to change the fuel line and bulb


Rear Admiral
Oct 8, 2007
Re: 1990 force 90 rebuild questions

The rod I'm talking about is the one that comes out from the lower unit, but you may have to adjust the rod with the two nuts to get the lower rod correctly adjusted since they're both connected together.