Hi, all, I recently got a 1989 Force gamefisher 15hp. Changed the gear oil and it looked great. No water, no shavings, oil looked new. I also changed the impeller while i was in there. I did not turn the lower shift rod in any manner. It went back together the same way it was disconnected when i dropped the lower unit. On my first run, it runs great, has good throttle response, but when planing at around 15MPH i am getting a sort of a half-second slip and thump as if the clutch dog is periodically slipping. It doesn't happen very often. I noticed that when shifting to fwd, it doesn't feel as if it goes quite as far into fwd gear as it does in reverse. I'm thinking I need to make an adjustment and do it in the upper portion of the linkage. There is one rod in the linkage that takes a couple bends down to a small threaded barrel end that seems like I could adjust it to make it travel a bit farther into FWD gear. Has anyone ever done this adjustment on this engine?