Re: 1989 Force 125
ca-ching,ca-ching $$$.<br />Yes, it could be bad, but before buying one, remove the flywheel and inspect the magnets, trigger, all that rot.<br />By prcess of ellimination, make certain it is the defect. Go thru the entire troubleshooting procedure that is in the shop manual. <br />This is where I get the the onions to say "buy a shop manual when you buy an engine.It will pay for itself".<br />This is because it allways does pay for itself,sometimes at the first repair.<br />But in the meantime, get out the volt/ohm meter, disconnect the 4 wiire connectors between the CD units and the triggerand let me know if you have have .3v peak or more<br /> from the green and orange wires on the trigger side....<br />Green to black test lead, red test lead to the orange wire.<br />Then, move the black test lead to the RED wire terminal in the trigger harness, and the red meter lead to the whit/green stripe wire from the trigger...samey-same, look for three-tenths volt or more.