1988 Yamaha Excel 225 - Help needed


Mar 2, 2022
Hi All! I have had this 1988 Yamaha excel on my 21ft Chris Craft Center Console for the last three years after picking the motor up dirt cheap because it had a bent prop shaft. After repairing the bent prop shaft, I had an amazing running motor for under $500. After running the motor for two years with minimal issues, I was running across a lake at about 4k rpm and the motor seized up. Upon tearing everything down, I found that the piston ring on cylinder 4 had caught on the exhaust port. After further inspection, I found that the oil injection pump had gone bad, resulting in engine failure.

Instead of trashing the motor I found that the damage to the cylinder wall was not nearly as bad as I initially thought. I took the block to the local machine shop and was able to clean and true of the cylinders without needing to re-sleeve or do more than a good boring on them. I ended up making the choice to completely rebuild the power head. #covid19project. I did not plan on the rebuild taking more than a month but life happened and I finished the rebuild about a week ago, 13 months after pulling the power head......... While for most organized and, well smart people would have taken a million pictures of where every wire, ground, bolt, nut, and washer went; I did not <insert facepalm image here>.

I now have the power head mounted, controls, fuel system, and electrical wires ran to the best I can remember and from the limited pictures I have found on the internet. I have every single manual ever made on this motor, to include the factory Yamaha service manual. Even with these resources, I feel like I am missing something somewhere. The engine turns over and I have power to the rectifier and CDI, but I am not getting any spark. I need some help and ideas on where to go now. My thoughts are:
  1. Missing ground or other connection
  2. Bad CDI
  3. Bad YMIS
TLDR: Motor blew up; I rebuilt motor; stupidly did not take pictures and have no clue what I am doing; engine turns over but no spark; need help please!

Thanks for reading this novel of a post!


Fleet Admiral
Mar 10, 2016
It would be amazing if it was just that the lanyard kill switch had been pulled ! Thought I’d throw the obvious one in there.
On a side note…I think it’s extremely rare and almost unheard of for a yam like this to have it’s actual oil pump fail. More common might be for the fittings, pipes or delivery system to fail perhaps.


Mar 2, 2022
Ok, figured it out! When I rebuilt the motor I replaced the each ignition coil with brand new aftermarket coils. Problem is the were much higher resistance coils than the ones from the factory. The were 6-700 ohms vs 250-300 ohms with the originals. Put the original ones on and fired right up.

I am going to post some pictures of some wiring diagrams for any other poor sap like me that may need them in the Internet future.
