1988 Nissan 55 HP Help


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2011
Re: 1988 Nissan 55 HP Help


I rebuilt the carbs, soaked them in B-12, blew them out, replaced every fuel line from the tank, through the fuel pump, the filter, and into the carbs. She now runs like brand new. I am only able to turn up to 4000 rpm by tach, speed was 27 by installed speedometer, I intend to check with GPS later tonight or tomorrow. I am now needing some parts. I need the plastic fuel fittings that go onto the carb where the fuel line hooks up. I will call you in the morning to see if you can get them for me but I wanted to thank you for all your help and support. With the book, and your advice, i was able to get it running great. One issue that i found was it was sucking air in multiple places, the lower carb was way out of sync with the upper carb, and when i reset all the linkages, it made a world of difference. Again, Paul, You have my thanks for everyhing. If I can ever be of assistance to you, Please do not hesitate to call me.



Apr 20, 2008
Re: 1988 Nissan 55 HP Help


The inlet fittings for those carbs are NLA. Sorry. You may be able to match up something, say at a NAPA or similar store. Look for an olde tyme place, with real parts people (not just catalog-looker-uppers), and you may get lucky. Fingers crossed.

Make sure the tach is set to the correct number of poles. If you are only turning 4,000, you are close, but may want a lower prop pitch, or adjust the trim, jack height, or weight distribution of the boat.
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Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2011
Re: 1988 Nissan 55 HP Help


Since all that is wrong is the plastic ell that is pressed on to the brass fitting, is it possible to remove the brass fitting and install a hose barb or something similar or is the brass fitting pressed in to the carb? Also on the plate behind the carbs, there are two plastic fittings that have a hose on them, they were cracked and possibly sucking air also. I smeared some RTV on them and sealed them for the time being but would like to replace them as well. Do you have any suggestions?



Apr 20, 2008
Re: 1988 Nissan 55 HP Help

The brass tube is pressed into the carb body, so you will need to use extreme care if swapping for a hose barb. Might be able to get a stock barb and turn it down on a lathe to the proper diameter to press it into the carb.

The nipples that go into the intake manifold are there to allow vacuum balancing between carbs. The 3AB011730M L-NIPPLE is still available at $4.04 each. Unfortunately, those parts are too big to fit the fuel inlets on the carbs.