1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

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Seaman Apprentice
Jul 4, 2007
I just purchased the above with the knowledge that requires a complete interior rework.
The hull of the boat is in great shape however the interior has been subjected to the ravages of the Texas sun and several season's of rain. As a result the center part of the floor is totally rotted away. The piece that covers the gas tank was a scrap of OSB that the previous owner simply placed over the tank to protect the connections.
The aft portion of the engine compartment appears to have had some sort of framing to create a mount onto which the padding of the transome was afixed. This piece has rotted on the bottom so it's impossible to tell what it looked like.
I think there were two 2X4's running down the center aisle of the boat's floor but with all the pieces of rotted plywood it's hard to tell.
The motor appears in great shape and I was told since the boat is twenty years old that I should change the water pump in the Cobra stern drive. I pulled it apart and the seal was not installed correctly so I am ordering a pump kit.
The motor is the Ford 2.3 Liter. The motor mounts look good. I did however find an old frost plug in the bilge. One of the frost plugs looks new and there is some rust evidence that it was leaking at one point. The previous owner is a neighbor and he said the boat ran OK so I think/hope the frost plug is not and issue nor is the block cracked.
That's the state currently. I am pulling it apart to try and gauge the remainder of the damage.
Any advise, suggestions, pictures of previous floor replacements would be greatly appreciated. I am a pretty fair carpenter and I have done fiberglassing before so I believe I can do a fairly decent job, just need some help and guidance.
I see that others have done this same project here and I really look forward to theirs and others input.
I will post some photos in a couple of days.

Thanks once again.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

It sounds like you are going to want to check all the stringers and frames for rot, along with the transom. You may as well pull the motor and outdrive to make the job easier. You need to check the foam for waterlogging, and replace all the wet stuff.
I recommend you rebuild all components with dry pressure treated solid (dimentional) lumber. I never trusted plywood in a high moisture environment. I would rebuild the stringers and frames (and anything else) with the same sized lumber. Obviouslythe transom needs to be plywood.

You can use polyester resin and cloth/mat/roving for all repairs of this type. If you find hull damage or structural issues with the transom, you should use epoxy resin/cloth/mat/roving, for the greater strength it provides.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 4, 2007
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

Thanks for the replies.
I have taken a look at Jason J's posting and indeed it is very good.
My big problem is how the interior aft of the Sea Ray Seville goes together.
Maybe some pictures will explain:

Now that you can see the damage you'll understand the problem I have. I really need someone who has an '87 Seville to take a couple of pictures of how the aft interior around the engine should look. Mine is totally rotted away needs rebuilding.
I only have rot in one place in the transom and that is the piece that is inside the battery compartment.

Thanks again for your help and if you know of anyone that has an '87 Seville please let me know.



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Seaman Apprentice
Jul 4, 2007
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

One more picture this time of the ski locker so you can see the floor damage.

This boat was left to the elements....almost too long to recover.



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sea wolf

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 3, 2002
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

Before you do anything you should fire up the engine to be sure everything's ok. I see an awful lot of rust on that engine. It could be nothing or it could be a warning sign of serious issues.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

Glenn, I had an '88 19'(with swim platform) Sorrento, which is very close in design to your Seville. If you go to the SeaRay site you can look up the original sales brochure for that boat. It will have some pictures as well.

Here is a brief description of the rear part of the boat. The side panels were vinyl over padded plywood and extended all the way to the back of the boat. About 10" forward of the transom there was a vinyl-covered padded plywood bulkhead which straddled the motor. This attached with aluminum l brackets to the side panels, an threr was some supports molded into the transom to support the bulkhead in the center. The padded vinyl-covered motor box covered the block and set against the bulkhead. There was a jump seat on either side of the motor box, supported by the motor box and the side panels (2X2 supports bolted to the sides). There was an l-shaped cushion which attached to the transom with a piano hinge and just fit over the vinyl bulkhead. This was the backrest for the jump seats. Under this l-shaped cushion was the navy top. I do not know if the Seville had this feature though.

The PTT pump was mounted behind the bulkhead on the starboard side. Battery mounted behind the bulkhead on the port side. The gas tank was directly in front of the motor and was made of aluminum (35 Gal).


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 4, 2007
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

Thanks for the reply Chris and Sea Wolf.
Sea Wolf, I too was very concerned about the rust. I checked the engine to ensure it would turn over (spun the crank with a bar and socket). Pulled a spark plug and as suspected it was running rich (poor maintenance I think).
I bought a water pump replacement kit for the Cobra stern drive and while I was checking around the bottom of the stern drive on the starboard side it sounded a little hollow so I am suspecting a bit of rot there.
My next step is to pull the stern drive, check the gimble bearing and boots. Also, I plan to pull the motor. But first I'm going to do a compression test. Then once it's out of the boat I will hook up the hose, put it on a motor mount on the ground and start it (or at least try). The fellow I bought it from says it runs. My neightbour knows him and says he's an honest chap. We'll see how rough it runs in a while. I've rebuilt a number of car engines in my life so this is not a new thing, although it's been a few years and I don't want to do the crank and bottom end thing again....Those aren't a whole lot of fun.
Once the motor is out I want to attack the floor and the aft portion that has the rot.

Chris: Your description sounds extremely close to what I think the aft section of my boat should look like. I have a copy of Sea Ray's original brochure and my main problem here is how the inner superstucture ( if I can call it that) is set up. From your description, I kind of think I have a better idea on it. Your's had a 35 gallon tank in front of the engine, mine has a 20 gallon. I think the two boats had the same design only it was stretched a bit an a couple more things were added to the 19 footer. The PTT pump is mounted on the transom port side just behind the battery. Engine compartment blower is on the starboard side.
All sounds quite similar.

Now I need to get the outboard off and then get the engine out.

I'll post more pictures once that's done. Also, Chris how was the ski locker framed? Mine is totally destroyed so I'm a little puzzled there?

Finally, Sea Wolf any suggestions of what to look for on the engine. Auto's have been my primary motor mechanics work (hobby only)?

Thanks again for the replies. Much appreciated.

Sign on bumper:

Attention: Driver carries NO money....he's married.

sea wolf

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 3, 2002
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

I would take a close look at the manifold & riser. Also, why did the previous owner have to put in a new freeze plug? I would find out. I have a 3.0 cobra, so I'm not too familier with the Ford 2.3. But, I'll tell you this. Replacing floor, stringers, etc. is no picnic. I've been there. I think you should take a hard look at the engine before you decide to start rehabbing the floor, etc. I'm not trying to discourage you, but it'll be a bummer if you do all that work & find out that the engine is toast. Also, there may be rot in that transom that you haven't found yet. Wood rot migrates. It's like crabs. Good luck.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

Glenn, The ski locker's base (actually floor) sat on the keel stringer. Mine was 3/4 plywood standing on its edge and scribed to match the hull. Mine rotter out. I replaced it with pressure treated 1-by lumber scribed to match the hull. The floor of the ski well is 1/2 plywood as are the sides. I screwed the ski well floor to the keel. The sides sit aginst the foam and are attached to the 1/2 plywood floor. I used some 2X2 to add strenght to the corners. Now, my theory was that the keel was supported by the ski well floor, and the ski well floor was held down by the ski well sides, which were held down by the main floor. I simply did nt think that a single 3/4 piece of plywood on end, less than two inches wide was strong enough for a keel.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 4, 2007
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

OK, it's finally time for an update to this thread.
This poor old boat has been sitting in the yard for the last almost three years without any time on my part oto devote to it.
So one day a couple of months ago a local fellow dropped by and asked if I would like him to put a new floor in it for $1000.00.
Let me see, it took me about two seconds to decide that this was a pretty good deal considering I paid $800 for the boat and I just don't have the time right now to take on such a big job.
So out the boat went to his shop and he's been working tearing the seats, dog house, well everything that needs to go out, out.
I have some pictures that I will post in a little while. They are kind of large so I have to reduce the size to fit on this site.
We got a bunch of stuff out of the way so that tonight we can get the engine fired up and check it out.
Not much sense trying to repair it if the engine is no good. I know it isn't seized and I believe the carb etc is still good, but it needs an oil change etc. before we turn it over.
I'll try and get some pictures of it running (big assumption here) and post them later as well.
It turns out that the shop where the boat sits is owned by yet another fellow who used to rebuild boats and knows this 2.3 liter engine inside out and backwards. He says if it can turn over he can get it running.

Things are looking pretty good.

Stay tuned.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 2, 2010
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

The seats actually sat on the upper pieces of wood and created a full sun deck. hope that gives you some help on what the original area looked like.



Seaman Apprentice
Jul 4, 2007
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement


My friend that has been working on the floor for me came by a few minutes ago.
He told me that the MOTOR RUNS LIKE A TOP!!!
I couldn't resist so I took my lunch break and ran down to see it in person. It starts right up and purrs like a kitten.
Now I can hardly wait to get on the water.
I'm not sure if I can post a video on this board but I shot a short clip and will post it somewhere for viewing.

As my friend says "Now it's worth going ahead with the floor and the rest"!

This is a very good day on this project.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 2, 2010
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

That is great news that the motor is good. Looking forward to your rebuild



Seaman Apprentice
Jul 4, 2007
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

I put up a reply a few days ago....well at least I wrote it out and I guess I must not have hit post.

So here goes again.

You take one step forward, one to the right, one to the left and two steps back.....now you are doing the Sea Ray floor rebuild shuffle.

Motor runs good...that's the good news. Bad news is it leaks water like mad. When we first tested it, we didn't have the new pump vane installed in the leg. When we put that in and started it up there was a huge leak from the back side of the engine and also from around the drain spigot in the exhaust manifold cooling jacket.
My friend who has worked on all kinds of these engines says the rear frost plug has popped out or at least rusted through. It means that now I will have to do something I was hoping to avoid and that is to pull the engine.
In some ways it's a good thing because I can inspect the whole transom and I'll pull the leg at the same time to check the condition of the gimble bearing. Might just as well do those things that are known to cause problems in an old boat.

It's hot as can be here in Texas right now. Running around 100 degrees in temperature and around a 110 to 115 heat index. It's also haying time and I have to get that done before I can spend any time on the boat again.
Need to put some feed away for the four legged critters for the winter months.

The other little item on this boat that I had noticed when I first got it was that someone had broken the hydraulic return line off at the power steering pump. It looks like its just a piece off hydraulic hard line welded into the can. I called iBoats for a price on one but they didn't stock it. They did give me anonther number of a place the specialized in just OMC parts.
They gave me a price of $375.00. Looks like it's a trip to the welding shop. I can do a lot of floor and upholstery work for $375.00.

So as I said at the beginning its the Sea Ray shuffle all over again.......



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 2, 2010
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

What Part Of Texas?

Did someone break the fitting at the Hydraulic Pump or the line? Mine looks like the fitting is made into the pump. A seperate piece not a casting on the body. Is that what you have?



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 2, 2010
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

Never mind on the fitting. I just took a hard look at it and it's part of the main pump body like you discribed. Thought I might have helped but didn't. Your's is an OMC Mine is a Mercruiser but thought that they would be similar. In fact mine looks just like the one on my old 92 Chevy 350.



Seaman Apprentice
Jul 4, 2007
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

I live just outside of Golden, Tx about 6 miles from Mineola, TX.

Yeah, the pump has what looks like steel hydraulic line coming out of it for about 2 inchs and the return hose goes on then a clamp. The good thing is that it broke off about 1/2 inch from the pump so there is something to work with.

Mine is the six cylinder ford engine with overhead cam. Except for the engine, you and I have the identical boat, except you stern interior is in way better shape than mine.

Back to the motor, this thing will really get up and boogie once I get it on the water, and it will go almost all day on a single tank of gas. So when the kids come down it will be cheap for tubing or waterskiing, fishing or just plain cruising around.

While I'm thinking about it you said in an earlier post that you were going to change your stern from the original. What are your thoughts on it?

I notice the other day someone has an 87 Sea Ray on East Texas craigslist as well.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 2, 2010
Re: 1987 Sea Ray Seville floor replacement

Yep remeber talking about the lakes near Emory I should read my own threads once in a while. Been a while since I fished up there but your just up the road.

Anyway about the stern It originally had seats on either side of engine that could be lifted up and create a full sun deck. I plan on basically rebuilding the base boxes as befor cooler on starbord battery and trim on port. I bought 2 simple foldsown fishing seats that are vinyl covered from Acadamy (on sale real cheap) that would mount to the lid of the boxes which just sit on the boxes with clips. Then the back rest would be a new piece that hinges from the top and would swing up to match the top of the engine cowl making a full sun deck. this would be the normal position i suppose. with a small bench seat in front of the motor. It's still a work in progress the new floor boxes are built but not fully installed cause I am still figuring this out.

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