1986 90 HP Mercury in-line 6 cylinder overheating?


Oct 18, 2004
I am no mechanic, but I can usually muddle my way through things, especially on the older motors. That being said, I thought I might ask for a little feedback from yall.<br /><br />My first question: Does this motor have a thermostat or temperature sender linked to the same or similiar sounding alarm that goes off when the level of oil in the oil auto-blend oil injector gets low? (This is one of those bulkhead mounted injector units)<br /><br />Usually whenever the alarm goes off, I pull over fill it up with oil and the alarm issue goes away. Last time I had the boat out, the alarm went off and when I stopped to add oil, I was suprised to see that it didn't need any oil added to the resevoir. So, I guessed that it might be overheating and let the motor cool down and then took the boat off the water to look at it. The alarm went off again right as I got the boat on the trailer. After looking over the motor for a good while last night, I can't seem to locate a temp sender/thermostat anywhere in plain view (i.e. where I would expect them to be)<br /><br />I've checked the wiring from the oil resevoir to the alarm and haven't found any shorts. The wiring diagram in the Seloc manual I have doesn't show a temperature sending unit; while I can believe that there is no temperature sender, I cannot seem to believe that there isn't a thermostat on it somewhere and the Seloc manual I have doesn't seem to show this on the in-line six motor either.<br /><br />My second question is this: On a motor in good operating condition, how hard/fast should the flow of water coming out of the head be? And should the flow of water ever sputter for a fraction of or up to a second? If I hold my hand under the flow of water coming out, it seems to lack significant pressure (i.e. it does not make a divit on the skin of the back of my hand) I'm wondering if I might have a blockage somewhere in the cooling system. Of course, I did put a new water pump kit in it last night and it did not improve the situation; the old water pump was in pretty good shape as well.<br /><br />I'm basically trying to figure out if it was just an errant alarm from the oil injector, the motor is really overheating, or its getting some false feedback from a temp sensor that I haven't found yet (assuming this motor does have an alarm related to temp; which I am beginning to believe it doesn't based on the information I can gleen from the seloc manual), or if it's just a fluke and I'm being paranoid about the whole thing.

Clams Canino

Jan 10, 2004
Re: 1986 90 HP Mercury in-line 6 cylinder overheating?

If it has an overtemp sensor - it is directly next to and to the right of the #1 spark plug. And it could be wired to the same horn. Not all did though.<br /><br />There is no thermostat on the inline 6. It's wide open flow - all the time. Which makes warming them up a trick.<br /><br />It should pee steady but not strong at idle, and increase from there. <br /><br />-W


Oct 18, 2004
Re: 1986 90 HP Mercury in-line 6 cylinder overheating?

Thanks for the feedback; that pretty much confirmed my suspicions on the alarm issue.<br /><br />I guess I'll be installing a temp sender when I replace the water cover gasket (noted a couple of small leaks on it when I was digging around the motor.

Clams Canino

Jan 10, 2004
Re: 1986 90 HP Mercury in-line 6 cylinder overheating?

BEWARE replacing that gasket.... much has been written about that here. hehe :D <br /><br />-W


May 6, 2021
So while I was looking around the motor I noticed a brown wire that looked like it had been cut. When I ground that wire I get a constant Beep tone even with the engine cold. I am assuming that this goes to the over temp sensor mentioned above? And that the sensor is faulty and needs to be replaced and the wire grounded again. Are my assumptions correct? Im just chasing gremlins down and fixing them. I want this motor back 100%.