1985 Mercury 115 hp power loss


Dec 27, 2008
Re: 1985 Mercury 115 hp power loss

hi vice

i triimed my engine and found this number _ 57 8825
the first one is scrapped off.... dangggggggggggg!!!!!!!!

im stuck...

i found two wires coming from the trim motor to the trim cylinder corroded and touching each other i believe this is for the limit or safety switch, i disconnected it because its hard to get into the trim cylinder, will t matters or can i run the motor w/o them plug in?

i have to take the motor out to get into it??:confused:

any input?



Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: 1985 Mercury 115 hp power loss

Allen, You may have some kind of FrankenMerc. Faszbullet lists the motor as a sixties model. I did not think those motors has "Thunderbolt" painted on them, nor did they have power trim.


Dec 27, 2008
Re: 1985 Mercury 115 hp power loss

yes i do have power trim, i have both up and down button and the trailer.

this is what happen if i press the buttons. if i press DOWN the motor goes into place like in normal drive on the water. if i press the UP button, it does not do anything BUT>>>> if i press the TRAILER button it goes up, im confused. what is the TRAILER BUTTON FOR?

for some reason the power trim assembly was already mounted as an original with the old motor. this is a 1988 ebbtide body hull and like you said my motor is 1966. i was wondering why my gauges none of them work because of the motor being replaced.

i recieved the manual i ordered and its listed as 1966, it doesnt show any wirings for the instrumental panels like fuel , battery/ alt or speed?

need help on basic wiring of how to connect the fuel sender to the gauge

thanks a lot and have a nice day

i love this site i always get positive response.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: 1985 Mercury 115 hp power loss

Allen, Outboard service manuals do not usually cover gauges and accessories. A fuel gauge requires +12V, ground and a sender wire from the gas tank sender. The gas tank also needs to be grounded.

The up trim button is connected in series with the trim limit switch. If the switch is open or broken, the up button will have no effect. Since we do not know what motor you have I can only guess if/where the trim limit switch is located. On the 70s Mercs, with the two external PTT cylinders and the trim pump in the boat, the trim limit switch was on the starboard trim cylinder bracket.


Aug 24, 2008
Re: 1985 Mercury 115 hp power loss

I just wanted to update this thread to let help others who may have the same problem. I had a piston that was shearing and the small metal flecks were being "welded" to the tip of the spark plug. I think it was my number 3 plug. I took it in to my mechanic. He cleaned everything up for me, turned the timing back a bit and put in 6 new plugs. I've been running her since then with no problems. I do keep a few extra plugs and a plug wrench on board just in case it would happen again.


Dec 27, 2008
Re: 1985 Mercury 115 hp power loss

i use electrode less spark plugs , my tower of power still down with no luck

i have rebuild the 3 carbs, now it runs smoth, idles fine but hesitates when rev up?

i need a set of breaker points and condenser, cant find them

1966 inline 6 , 1100 - mercury, 2 coils,2 points, 2 condensers, 3 carbs.

status= DOWN



Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 16, 2009
Re: 1985 Mercury 115 hp power loss

next time you go out on the water,adjust the carbs then...