Got some work done on the boat (See Pics below).
Following Sprintst suggestions made some templates of the front decking before it finding its way into a dumpster
From there started digging into the boat and got the following done:
All the decking pulled out and rails having all the accessories removed:
Cleaned up and Transom removed:
You will notice the lines drawn by someone else who did a redo on this boat. Found all of the rivets they redid......:facepalm: I can't believe anyone would do this on any boat...
(Yes that is silicone out of open end blind rivets)
So much for not having to redo a bunch of rivets. Plus also found corrosion on a bunch which are having the heads fall off. You can see the rivets that the heads haven't fallen off of yet but you can start to see the separation:
Wouldn't be a complete gutting without a pic of the transom. You can see the port side is completely rotten, but was able to get it out with little effort.
And finally the last surprise i found while gutting.....
So that is the progress I have completed. Overall I am happy with the progress. Could have been worse but also could have been a lot better.