The lower unit of my 4HP Mariner is leaking oil from the prop shaft. There was fishing line all tangled on around the back of the prop, so I'm pretty sure its the oil seal thats shot. It a 1984 model, that was made it Japan for Mariner, so I apologize if this should be in the Yamaha forum. So far I have the prop off, and the gearhousing cap (part 44 in the picture) off so all the gears are fully accessible. But, I have no idea how to get the oil prop shaft seals off (part 42 in the picture). The oil seals and the bearing are pushed into the gearhousing cap. There are two small holes on the gearhousing cap that have access to these seals, but I do no know their purpose. Do I have to take out the bearing that is pushed into the gearhousing cap? What special tools, if any, do I need? How do the new oil seals go in? There is a blowup of part 42 in the picture, but I do not know what it is trying to illustrate.