1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

S M McInto

Seaman Apprentice
Feb 27, 2012
Just got the boat a week or so ago, started it up on the earmuffs and started right up, ran for alittle while, shut off, started again, NO ISSUES.

Once I got it home I tinkered around with it a little starting it a few times on the earmuffs, no issues, although it does kind of sputter while idling, but I just associated this to being on the earmuffs.

First time in the water a few days ago I get it off the trailer, and it starts up we get a little away from the dock and idle and it cuts out. Now it doesn't want to start! It turns over a few times without starting, tried starting about 4 times, now after the 4th time I turn the key again and it doesn't turn over, try again same thing, then try again and it starts to turn over again and then finally started. Drive around for a little while and it was running good at all different speeds. we stopped and let it idle for about 10 minutes and it did fine, then it cut out. Once again after it cut out while idling, it took forever to get it started. Probably about 20-30 attempts, only about half of which were cranking..

I get it home and hook up the hose, starts right up, and idles pretty good, shut off, start again, NO ISSUES, besides idling just a little rough.

Second time out was yesterday on the water, pretty much identical to day one as far as starting issues. And again got it home and it started up perfectly out of the water.

I ordered carb rebuild kits already, but am not sure if this will actually solve any issues. The plugs look a little old so they will probably need replaced as well, but couldn't find which size to get online.

Any help would be appreciated, if you need pictures I can post them as well.

S M McInto

Seaman Apprentice
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

by the way, starting process is squeeze primer bulb til firm, push in key for about 10 seconds, then pull out shift lever and push up slightly, then turn the key.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 9, 2005
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

Possible you have an ignition component failing. Weak ignition components tend to fail once the engine heats up to normal operating temps. May run fine when cold, then crap out when warmed up. You should check for spark on each plug when the engine starts to miss.
Remove the cowling when the engine is missing. An inductive timing light can be used to check the spark quality on each plugwire. The flashes in the gun will show weak firing, no fires, intermittents. Once you solve your starting/running issues, you can then move on to the sputtering at idle. That could be a carb issue.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 21, 2009
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

by the way, starting process is squeeze primer bulb til firm, push in key for about 10 seconds, then pull out shift lever and push up slightly, then turn the key.

10 seconds is a lot. You might be flooding it. Pushing the key in activates the electric primer which sends a flow of fuel down the carb throats. The longest I ever get on my primer is 2-3 seconds. Click key from off to to on, push in for just a moment, then without releasing the primer turn the key from on to start.

S M McInto

Seaman Apprentice
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

10 seconds is a lot. You might be flooding it. Pushing the key in activates the electric primer which sends a flow of fuel down the carb throats. The longest I ever get on my primer is 2-3 seconds. Click key from off to to on, push in for just a moment, then without releasing the primer turn the key from on to start.

I read somewhere to do 10, but I will cut that in half and see what happens. But I dont think that would effect the motor not turning over?? I dont really know

S M McInto

Seaman Apprentice
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

Does anyone know what size spark plugs this motor takes? I would like to go ahead and replace these now, they are just cheap autolite plugs....hoping that has something to do with the starting as well.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 9, 2005
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

You can identify all the factory parts for this engine on the Bombardier wetsite: epc.brp.com. Including the standard plugs: QL77JC4. The list also includes optional plug #'s as reference. One issue about starting that engine. The starter must rotate that flywheel between 200-250 rpm's in order for the stator to generate enough power to fire the plugs. If you have a weak battery or starter, slow cranking rotation might be a reason for non-starting.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 21, 2009
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

When you buy them note the QL that emdsapmgr listed as opposed to L. They cost a few dollars more than the L ones and will probably be found right next to the L ones, but:

"At the moment the spark jumps the gap it causes a high frequency burst of energy, this is known as RFI (radio frequency interference). This is why resistor spark plugs were introduces in the mid 1960's. Placing a resistor within the spark plug suppresses the RFI. Without resistor plugs in your car you can experience static on your radio as well as interference with other sensitive electronic equipment. Some later model vehicles as well as newer Powersport engines must use resistor plugs for a proper "talkback" to the electronic ignition"

"sensitive electronic equipment" = ignition system

S M McInto

Seaman Apprentice
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

I am going to go ahead and order some new plugs, and I should have the carb kits next week. I also plan on getting a new battery next week as well, anyone recommend a certain brand or size I should use? Also is there a way to wire it up for two batteries? I have the room for two, as well as the one I use for the trolling motor.

S M McInto

Seaman Apprentice
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

Well, took the carbs off today and completely cleaned everything out. Put new spark plugs in. Still same issue, runs great on land but second its in the water it chokes out and wont idle, and sometimes wont start at all. Any ideas??

S M McInto

Seaman Apprentice
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

Spent two hours just sitting at the dock last night trying to figure this out. We cleaned both carbs thoroughly, and put brand new spark plugs in and also tightened up a few houses we saw leaking gas. Started it up in the driveway, which took a little while after taking apart the carbs, but once it was running it sounded much better than before. Turned it off, started it again, perfect. Took it to the water, put it in and it turned over and I got it to start but had to give it a lot of gas. Put at idle and it cut out. Did the same thing probably ten times and then i couldnt even get it to start at all.

I have no idea what would cause it to not work in the water.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 9, 2005
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

Most engines will run seemingly fine on the trailer. There is no exhast backpressure. It's whole different ball game once the boat is floating normally in the water. At that point the exhaust outlet (through the prop) is buried 2 feet under water. The engine needs to be running in good tune in order to force the exhaust out of the prop when it's that deep in the water. Your engine could be running on 2-3 cylinders on the trailer and sound like everything is "normal." You need all 4 cyls contributing when it's floating at normal depth in the water.

S M McInto

Seaman Apprentice
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

Well I am taking it to a mechanic today. What type if tests should be done on it judging from the symptoms??? Compression, spark,...??


Supreme Mariner
Dec 9, 2005
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

It's always good to check the compression of the engine when you first get it. You need to know if the compression is good. No point in putting any $ into any engine which has bad compression on one or more cyls. The compression reading becomes a baseline for you to compare to during your period of ownership. I'd be looking for a minimum of 95 lbs on each cyl. Once that's done, you need to make sure you have solid spark on each of the 4 plugwires. The ignition system has to work harder when the engine is in gear, so checking the spark when the engine is idling in gear at the dock puts some degree of stress on the ignition. See how the spark compares on each plugwire. A dealership would test this engine by putting it in a test tank and put it in gear. Let the engine warm up fully. Weak ignition components will act up once the engine reaches normal operating temps. Also, ask the tech to check both cyl head temps with a laser temp gun. You want to see head temps around 140-145 when warmed up. If it's off tempwise, you may need thermostat work. Since the boat is new to you, I'd recommend replacing the water pump. No telling how long ago the prior owner replaced the pump. No point in getting an overheat when you are out on the water with friends.

S M McInto

Seaman Apprentice
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

Tested compression yesterday, 110 on all 4. Also gapped the spark plugs correctly. I saw a loose wire on two of the coils, so i just ordred two new coils and a new fuel water seperater filter. It is leaking an oil from underneath the uppr section...see picture... any ideas



Supreme Mariner
Dec 9, 2005
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

Solid compression! Worth putting some repair $ into it. Dirty, oily leaks like this are common in these older crossflows. Likely you have a powerhead base gasket starting to go bad. (the one between the bottom of the powerhead and the midsection.) While not usually a fatal problem, it's really messy. Good to get it fixed sooner, rather than later. You have to pull the powerhead (likely a 3-4 hour job) to replace that relatively inexpensive gasket. Not a bad job, just time-consuming. It is very possible that you also may have exhaust gas leaking from/around that gasket. If you happen to run it with the cowling off, you may see wisps of smoke coming from the bottom of the powerhead. If it's not leaking smoke yet-it may be soon. The worse problem is that the leaking exhaust gas gets recirculated back into the carbs when running with the cowling on. Probably not a good idea to run it very long the way it is.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 21, 2009
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

It sounds like your throttle/carb butterfly linkage is out of adjustment. If all 4 butterflies aren't slam closed when they are supposed to be, it won't idle.

All of the settings that go into idling like linkage and timing are static settings that all have to be adjusted to have things like the butterflies, the timer base, etc. all on the same page doing the right things at the right time for it to idle.

Someone here may be able to give you the step by step for your motor, but the best thing would be to find your original factory service manual for the 1982 Johnson 115, not an aftermarket one.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 9, 2005
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

One other thing to check. There is an airbox drain hose which connects the bottom of the airbox to the crankcase. This hose recirculates unburned fuel/oil mix back into the lower cylinder. If this hose is missing or disconnected, it can leak fuel/oil into the lower cowling.

S M McInto

Seaman Apprentice
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

I plan on totally cleaning out the inside today to be able to better judge where the leak is coming from. Also now tjere is a leak from behind the prop, and when you look into the prop you can see oil. Someone said it might be the lower unit mainseal, which is cheap to fix but hard to get off.

As for the motor running, my two new coils and fuel/water filter will be here Friday


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 1982 Johnson 115hp V4 Starting issues

Both V4's I've had have leaked like that after being tilted up.

And yes, damn outboards all run awesome in the driveway :facepalm: