1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 6, 2003
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

Glad things are finally going your way Brian. Care to send some of your good fortune my way? I'm still having problems getting mine over 2000 rpm's. For the life of me, I can't seem to get this thing going, and it's about to drive me crazy as well. I even bought a new external tank to test it with. Same thing happens to me while using it. The motor is bogging down when I increase throttle and still has this slight cough after, yet, another link and sync. She idles fine on the muffs, but put it in the lake, and it coughs. Compression is fine all the way around at 110 psi. So it has to be the carbs...... I think. But the thing that gets me, all the plugs are nice and wet when I pull them. If I choke it at WOT, it dies. Too, the ball stays rather firm. Squeezing it does nothing. I can only assume some crap out of the tank has gotten in the carbs and stopped them up. I have even tested the spark and all four jump a 7/16 gap on the tester. I sure wish someone could jump in and give me pointers on further troubleshooting before I pull these carbs again.......... :'(


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 11, 2006
1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

It sounds like spark to one of the cylinders could be shorting out on inside of the cowel cover. How is it with cover off? I bet it runs ok. On my 1979 Evinrude 140 I was having the same problem every once in a while and one day after trying to plane it out it wouldnt go over 2500 rpm's. I happened to go to the back of boat and when I touched cowel cover I would get jolted? I got home with boat and removed cowel cover and spark plugs. On the#4 cylinder spark plug was clean as if it was new. All others were brown normal looking. I looked at #4 spark plug boot and figured out it was jumping to cover grounding it out. I replaced wire with new and modified lockdown on that side with nylon bolts and also new lockdown rubber boots, which were worn through making an even more direct ground to cowel. Usually when it would happen most was after running and moisture would get inside somehow and made it happen. It has been running like a kitten ever since I have figured this out. Sounds like you might have the same issue with your cowel cover. When you put cowel cover on, look at how close the clearance is to #4 spark plug boot. It actually touches the lockdown latch. Check it out. Good Luck!
Clint 8)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 26, 2006
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

Did you see my post on my ski...sounds like I could be in for another $500+. I hope that isn't what you call good fortune!! :devil:

As far as your problem, has it ever run over the 2000 rpm's? I can't recall. You might try getting new plugs and seeing what that does for you. The reason I say that is I had a heck of a time with my plugs fouling out. It might run fine one outing, then if I didn't clean them, it would run crappy the next. I know the double oil shouldn't foul them, at least that's what I was told, but it did. Once I got off that, all has been fine.

My 1st outing after the rebuild, it would barely get on plain, I cleaned the plugs and went back through the link & sync and got her going. It actually took me about 3-4 times of doing the link and sync to figure it out and have a good feal for what did what. I had a fear of messing it up... I used Joe Reeves timing method and according to the dealer it was very close!

The other thing I had issues with lately, was a poor idle after setting it on the muffs. Someone said, it should idle higher on the muffs. I set it on the muffs at around 600 rpm's prior to the last outing while trying to get the shifting fixed and it idled like crap that time. I ended up adjusting it back up at the lake.

When I did my carbs, I had trouble with some of the smaller jets. They didn't want to budge, so I left them alone, being as I could see through them into the passage, so I knew there was no obstruction around them. I know some would say that's not advisable, but I didn't know what else to do. If I do another rebuild, I'll buy all new jets.

If I think of anything else I'll let you know. You might go read through the last few pages of my rebuild thread. I brought up every problem I had...

Good luck!!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 26, 2006
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

After looking back at your thread and knowing what I went through.....Try cleaning those plugs with a plug cleaner ($16 at Harbor Freight) or get new ones. Also, double check the plugs for cracks as well. I have had 3 break/crack with all my pulling plugs, cleaning, etc...

The spark crossing thing sounds good, but you say all plugs are wet. I bet they are just fouled out!!

The only other thing, I would bet on is a leak in your pulse line to fuel pump, the fuel pump itself or an air leak.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 6, 2003
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

MASTER Brian............. Sorry, I didn't see your latest post. OUCH!!! That's like a kick in the teeth huh? Sorry to hear that. Anyway, I have replaced the plugs with the recommended champion UL77V permagap plugs prior to turning the key on this rebuild. They are brand new. I'll try cleaning them. Maybe they are fouled. I don't know. I've never had one foul on me before. I'll give it a shot though, as it has been idling for an hour so I suppose it's not unlikely. Other than being wet looking, they are in good shape.

Clint......... I'll try getting her on plane with the cowling off as you suggested. I can only wish it is something so simple to fix........... d:) .............. I hope one of you are right. Thanks for the suggestions..................... ALAN


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 26, 2006
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

Alan, yeah it is a bit of a kick in the teeth, but on the bright side, I'll have a completely new motor more or less...

I would clean those plugs if you have access to a spark plug cleaner. Like I said, I got mine at Harbor Freight for around $16. Mine were new right before the rebuild, but I had to clean them before each outing during the break-in or it would run like crap!

Just a thought...hope it helps!!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 6, 2003
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

MASTER Brian.......... For $16.......... I'll probably just buy a new set and give that a shot. I like to keep a spare set in the boat just in case this sort of thing happens to me on the lake. Thanks................ALAN


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 26, 2006
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

I understand that philosophy. I bought the plug cleaner, so that I could clean them on occasion, just to keep them nice. A set costs me $24, so one set cleaned and I'm ahead.

I hope that works for you!!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 23, 2006
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

You should be able to clean the plugs with Carb cleaner...I think.

I know your head is spinning with all of these suggestions but...have you checked your fuel pressure on the carb side of the fuel pump? I believe the manual details how to check fuel pressure. Did you rebuild the fuel pump as part of your overhaul?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 26, 2006
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

Carb cleaner does help, but it doesn't get them as clean as a good blasting with a plug cleaner. I actually would spray mine with carb cleaner, let them set them run them through the cleaner, repeat until perfect!!

I wish he'd post back, the suspense is killing me!!! :devil:


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 6, 2003
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

Well, I'm hoping to take her out for another lake test first thing in the morning. Mr R. Johnson has provided me with a timing/link and sync method that is so much easier to comprehend than the service manuals. I'm going to install a new set of plugs prior to dunking her in the lake. I hope you guys are right about fouling those plugs because I feel absolutely great about the new link and sync and I am keeping my fingers crossed on feeling this thing pull up out of the water again!!!! I will definitely investigate the arcing of the #4 plug boot on the cowling too. But I really believe I'm in good shape there. If she don't plane, the carbs are coming off again for the third time. Wish me luck !!!!! Man, morning couldn't come early enough............ LOL ........ I'll post my findings when I return.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 6, 2003
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

Well, just like I had thought........... It still wasn't right. :'( And it's not jumping fire on the cowling lock down either. But I do think I found my problem. The lower carb looks like it is leaking fuel out the front and it smells like it's flooding. Sooooo.......... off come the carbs again. This time, I'm going to make darn sure these things are SPOTLESS and everything is assembled as it should be!!! On the upside of things, however, I did get to catch two fish...... d:) Hey, that's two more than I caught over the previous 6 months. I guess one just has to find a way to keep thinking possitive.........huh? I have felt like this was a carb issue all along. Now, I'm pretty darn sure of it. Two more rebuild kits and I'll know for sure. I'm not going to bother with dismantling, adjusting, and reinstalling the kits I have on it right now, even though I probably could. I'd just soon start over......... fresh! That way I know I won't be doing it again for a while. There's too much work involved in the disassemby,cleaning, reassembly, and the link and sync to chance having a bad gasket/seal or something crazy like that happen. Well.......I better get to work on them. They're not getting any cleaner by themselves. Hopefully, I'll be ready for another try at this sometime Sunday.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 26, 2006
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

Alan, sorry to hear that didn't work.

Double check all fuel lines from pump to carb. I had a leak in the manifold that T'd everything off. I would think you'd see that, but maybe not.

At least you caught some fish, that's better than I've been doing!


Supreme Mariner
Sep 19, 2003
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

Are the V6 motors equipped with high performance fuel pumps? Do you have vacuum lines on them?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 6, 2003
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

ezeke............ To the best of my knowledge, I only have one vacume line on the intake manifold. If I'm wrong on this, someone please let me know. I'll be looking closely at the manual to make sure of this though.

MASTER Brian........ I have replaced the fuel lines. And that "T" you speak of IS getting old. I might consider replacing it as well, while I'm in there again. Also, the fuel pump has had nothing done to it either. Can you even buy kits for them? I'd certainly be interested in buying one if possible. I removed the filter cap, and none was installed, which didn't surprise me, considering many things on this motor was rigged to begin with. Man I hate that! :devil: It's really coming around though. It's just going to take a tad bit more time than I had expected. But hey, as long as the job is done right, time isn't an issue? I have all kinds of that. It's the $$$ that holds me back................. d:) ....... I wonder if anyone else has that problem?........... LOL


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 26, 2006
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

Prior to my rebuild I had several people tell me you couldn't rebuild the fuel pumps. Since I spent $270 on a new pump, I'm told you can and from what I've read here, you can do it with success. I'd suggest either starting a thread asking about it or do some searching. Personally, I never have much luck with searches on these forums....

With that said, I'm glad I bought the new pump, because it is a newer version, which I read somewhere is better....:/

One other thought is, have you checked the fuel/water seperator? Is it possible it's clogged??


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 6, 2003
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

I've completely bypassed the seperator, for the time being, for testing purposes. I'm running a brand new external 6 gallon fuel cell right now, until I get it running right anyhow. Then, I'll switch back over to the onboard fuel cell to find out if my pickup is stopped up in it. Right now, I'm thinking it is probably good to go. We'll see later though. I'll start a new post on the fuel pump rebuild to find out IF these can actually be rebuilt.................. ALAN


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 23, 2006
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

You can easily rebuild the fuel pump, I just got done doing that on my 1979 115. The fuel pump rebuild kits are available here on iboats.

Just go slow taking it apart a note how everything goes together, there is a spring and a couple of small parts that have to be specifically placed inside the pump and I do not believe the assembly instructions are included in the manual.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 6, 2003
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

They are available with the kit though...........right? I just looked in the manual and you are correct in that there is no mention about being able to rebuild the pump. If I'm not mistaken, our pumps should be exactly the same. Do you recall the part number on the kit? Thanks............. ALAN

Oh yeah, before I forget.......... Are you having any luck with the decals and paint yet?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 23, 2006
Re: 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuild sucessfull start but problem......?

PN is Sierra18-7820 and yes the pumps are exactly the same, it will run you under $10. The part shows to currently be out of stock. It isn't hard to rebuild, you just need to be careful to note how everything goes together.

The decals are on the way - no luck on the paint, I am probably going to have to order it from your guy unless I find another place to purchase tempo paints.