Newbee Here ,
Making an attempt on renovating my 16ft Blue Fin. (unfamiliar with some sections of the boat names, so bare with me)
1st off the Tag ID shows BFFSH29 - etc. in which I?m trying to identify what I actually have.
It?s been on blocks for 5yrs from when fishing the transom rotted out and the boat filled with water (bilge pump going making back to the dock before it sank).(As I will include a PIC on my next post)
The Boat was renovated to begin with into a fishing boat, but not at its best. So, I then gutted everything, but had to put the project to rest due to family issues.
I had a Solid Transom made and sealed it with marine Spar varnish. But have not yet installed it.
The Craft came with a 60hp mariner OB Still in good condition which I intend to use.
the transom being rotten, had threaded rods installed from the transom through the splash well into the side rails so as it would hold together. (Quick Fix Job)
I would like to know if the splash well is really needed along with the side rails, since I would like to make a rear stand platform and removing the side and top panels would give me more than a foot more width.
Any Help is Appreciated
Making an attempt on renovating my 16ft Blue Fin. (unfamiliar with some sections of the boat names, so bare with me)
1st off the Tag ID shows BFFSH29 - etc. in which I?m trying to identify what I actually have.
It?s been on blocks for 5yrs from when fishing the transom rotted out and the boat filled with water (bilge pump going making back to the dock before it sank).(As I will include a PIC on my next post)
The Boat was renovated to begin with into a fishing boat, but not at its best. So, I then gutted everything, but had to put the project to rest due to family issues.
I had a Solid Transom made and sealed it with marine Spar varnish. But have not yet installed it.
The Craft came with a 60hp mariner OB Still in good condition which I intend to use.
the transom being rotten, had threaded rods installed from the transom through the splash well into the side rails so as it would hold together. (Quick Fix Job)
I would like to know if the splash well is really needed along with the side rails, since I would like to make a rear stand platform and removing the side and top panels would give me more than a foot more width.
Any Help is Appreciated