I took my boat to the lake today first time after the winter.
Before that I started motor (85ML79R) with muffs and it ran fine.
Spent a few hours on the lake and it worked fine.
I was getting 30 mph max instead of 34 mph as last season, so I decided to run it again when I got back home to check timing and carb adjustments.
It did not start.
Fuse blown. I put another one it blew right away, then another one.
I ran out of those tiny fuses.
Can anyone give me idea where to look, not sure what could happen during drive home.
Wires look fine.
I took my boat to the lake today first time after the winter.
Before that I started motor (85ML79R) with muffs and it ran fine.
Spent a few hours on the lake and it worked fine.
I was getting 30 mph max instead of 34 mph as last season, so I decided to run it again when I got back home to check timing and carb adjustments.
It did not start.
Fuse blown. I put another one it blew right away, then another one.
I ran out of those tiny fuses.
Can anyone give me idea where to look, not sure what could happen during drive home.
Wires look fine.