1978 Sea Sprite


Apr 2, 2012
Hello, and thank you in advance for any forhcoming suggestions in response to this thread. First off, I purchased this 1978 Sea Sprite Sea Stinger, or Vee, I'm not sure which, with a 1988 Merc 115 inline 6 as a project boat. At the time of purchase, I was told the motor needed a new starter. When I got the boat home and disassembled the starter, I realized the PO had used a hammer to tap on the casing and destroyed the magnets. After replacing a starter, switch box, solenoid and impeller, I am happy to report the motor is starting and idles smoothly, (in the driveway, on muffs). Now for my question relating to this thread. I have noticed that there is a gap between the bottom of the cap and the hull which in some places is around an inch, on the left side of the hull extending from about two feet from the bow all the way to the stern. I have removed the bumper and aluminum channel exposing the aluminum rivet heads used to secure the cap to the hull. I have removed all of the rivets on the left side and need suggestions on how to "push or pull" the hull towards the edge of the cap so it can be secured. Also, does anyone have suggestions as to the proper or best type rivet to secure the cap and hull together? The original rivets appear to be aluminum, 1/4 to 5/16 in diameter and approximately one inch in length, which the majority had pulled out from the hull. I apologize for not having a picture yet, but will post one tommorow. thank you for any and all responses, I need all the suggestions I can get! Alrmost forgot to mention, unless I buy another boat in its place, I intend to pull the cap at the end of the season to do a full restoration of the cap, partial floor replacement and possibly the transom. Right now though, I have a 14 year old Daughter yearning to get on the water!


Apr 2, 2012
Re: 1978 Sea Sprite

Just wanted to say that i attempted to post pictures of the boat, however, it appears that the file is too large. will have to check out photo bucket. After thinking about how to close the gap before securing with new rivets, i think i will use a couple of pole spreaders and 2x4s. i measured the old rivets at 5/8 in length and 7\32 in diameter. please, any suggestions or thoughts would be appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!


Apr 2, 2012
Re: 1978 Sea Sprite

Really, not one person has an opinion as to what the best fastener choice would be to reattach the cap to the hull???? i find myself dissapointed.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2011
Re: 1978 Sea Sprite

Sorry to see you struggle SS47 without any help. I too have found that some posts go unanswered while others are jumped all over with advise (5+ posts). I wish I could help you but it is something that I am unfamiliar with :(


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 30, 2011
Re: 1978 Sea Sprite

I find if you link your own pics it will help people see what you have. And it looks like you have a solid project.


Apr 2, 2012
Re: 1978 Sea Sprite

thankyou for the input, and sorry if i seem frustrated, i am good with my hands, and not so good with this computer. i fell in love with this boat because it looks like its going 100 mph even if its just sitting on the trailer! Any way, i think i figured out the answer to my own question. i have found rivets online that are called "bulbet" rivets. they have small slits in the body of the rivet which allow the blind side to mushroom and securely pull the two surfaces together. i am on a mission this morning to locate about fifty of these to get her ready for water this season. i would still like to find a fastener that could be removed a little easier than a rivet for future repairs, but i will take what i can get. again, thanks for the support and happy boating!!!