1976 Johnson 25EL76E Wiring Question


Dec 17, 2008
Hello Everyone,
I have a 1973 25 hp johnson electric start that is currently set up with a remote key and choke assembly. I have rewired this to have a push button start, kill, and choke right on the cowling only having my starter wires coming out of the engine. I know what most of the wires do (I thought!:confused:) but I cannot figure out how to properly connnect them to get my motor running properly. (Could you put colors and connections so i can doulbe check how i have wired them.) I have looked through the archives of this site and have come up unsuccessful. Thank You In Advance!


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 19, 2008
Re: 1973 Johnson 25 Remote Wiring

Re: 1973 Johnson 25 Remote Wiring

A few days ago there was a similar question posted, and replys with diagrams and color coding.

On my '72 25HP elect start, the 2 black wires comming from the flywheel are for the kill switch, the red is the choke, tan (or dirty white) to the solenoid terminal closest to the battery cable (not the cable running to starter) and the small bottom wire (next to the starter cable) goes to a neutral safety switch. Will not start if not in neutral.

Don't take my fuzzy memory as gospel, though. I'm probably wrong on some of the connections.

Hopefully someone with a better memory will chime in.


Dec 17, 2008
1976 Johnson 25EL76E Wiring Question

I have a 1976 Johnson 25EL76E 25 HP that I tried to remove the key ignition and run only push button. I have ran into some problems. I think I have the wires hooked up wrong. There are 5 wires coming out of the plug: The ignition was hooked up in the following order: Green to Bat. (which was hooked up to the choke on a splitter), Off White to Solenoid, and 2 Black wires, (1 to Mag and 1 to Ground) . Red is the Choke. I removed the key and put the wires in the following order. I must not have gotten things right. The 2 black wires (mag, ground) are hooked up to one push button switch to kill the engine, the Bat. (green) and solenoid(white) are hooked to another to trigger the starter. I have the red (choke) hooked up to a switch with the Green (bat) to trigger the choke. Please help if you know anything about this engine. I was not very successful searching the past posts on this. If I can verify the wiring is correct maybe i can look for other issues. Thank You


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: 1973 Johnson 25 Remote Wiring

Re: 1973 Johnson 25 Remote Wiring

double posting not appreciated on iboats.

Les Robb

Chief Petty Officer
Jun 14, 2009
Re: 1976 Johnson 25EL76E Wiring Question

Reread post and got answer.
Last edited:


Dec 17, 2008
Re: 1976 Johnson 25EL76E Wiring Question

Thanks for the info. I think this should cover all of my problems.


Dec 17, 2008
Re: 1976 Johnson 25EL76E Wiring Question

Sorry about the double post guys, I just got so excited about finding a solution to my problem I jumped the gun.

I do have one quick question, I am looking to remove the big black plug on the front of the motor all together. I want to hard wire the + and - from the battery to the engine. I think that if I wire the Start and Off switch to push button switches mounted on the cowling, the motor will not be in the "Run" position only the "Start" and "Off" positions. When I let go of the starter it will cut the circuit and kill the engine. Will the motor run without the plug installed? Will this setup work? Thanks.


Dec 17, 2008
Re: 1976 Johnson 25EL76E Wiring Question

I think I have figured out which wires do what (thanks tashasdaddy) There is currently a black plug holding the: +, - terminals from the battery, SOL, CHOKE, 2 MAG wires that plugs into the front of the motor. If I simply hard wire the + and - from the battery to the engine (ie. remove the black plug into the front of the motor and install push button switches on the cowling for Start, Stop, Choke) will the motor still run? I am thinking that it will not have a "RUN" function like when using the keyed ignition? If i hook up the right wires to push buttons: Start (SOL, BAT [pulled from the + coming into the engine]) and Kill (Mag, Mag), leaving the solenoid alone and just using the wires that used to go to the plug junction box, will the engine continue running after i have started it? Basically, can the motor run without the plug installed in the front? Or what wires need to be connected to bypass the plug all together? Thanks, I am really new to wiring anything and am scared to turn this thing into a puff of smoke! I have attached a crude diagram of what I was thinking.
Motor Wiring.JPG