1976 200 hp johnson motor tilt trim problem

Randy Roark

Jul 16, 2009
I have a 19 foot open bow larson boat and the tilt and trim motor will raise up but will not lower. The trim motor like makes a spinning noise does not even try too lower back down but will lift just fine, and I tried taking out the little screw on the side of the hydraulic bottle and it lowered but now when I tightened it back up it still leaks fliud from the screw I must have damaged the o ring or what ever is in the screw that when you tighten it, it seal the hole right? The real question is why don't the tilt and trim lower back down but will lift just fine. I did change the battery, and is it possible I messed up on hooking the right wires back to the right terminals on the battery? The boat worked fine last year I had it winterized and put up in a garage for the winter but somehow the key was left on and drained the battery so I replaced the battery and thats when I found the trim proplem. Please help me with my boat problem, I don't wanna have too buy another whole unit for this problem. Thank you


Supreme Mariner
Jun 21, 2007
Re: 1976 200 hp johnson motor tilt trim problem

Trim wiring.jpg

What a nice motor, had the same one ;) The diagram is compliments of Ezeke.

First make sure the battery is FULLY charged. Then with a voltmeter, connect red lead to point E1 in junction box and meter black lead to point G. Meter should indicate battery voltage. If no voltage is indicated, move meter red lead to point E2 on solenoid. If battery voltage is indicated check FUSE in junction box. If no voltage, check red and black leads to battery for poor connection or open circuit. Polish them up, no corrosion, dirt, rust, etc...

Now time to check the down electrical circuit.

1. Move red meter lead to point E3 in junction box, push trim switch in the down position. Battery voltage should be indicated. If trim motor does not run, test motor.

2. If no voltage is indicated at point E3, move meter red lead to trim switch at point E4 and meter black lead to point G1. Push trim switch in down position. If meter indicates battery voltage, lead is open between point E3 and E4.

3. If no voltage at point E4, move meter red lead to point E5 in trim switch. If battery voltage is indicated, trim switch may be defective.

4. If no voltage is indicated at point E5, check continuity of ground lead from trim gauge G1 to junction box point G. If ground lead is good, move meter red lead to junction box at point E1 and meter black lead to point G on junction box. If battery voltage is indicated, lead is open between E1 and E5.