Re: 1974 Sea Ray rear seating help
Thank you! The pictures are bigger if you click on them. All my pics upload like this I don't know why.
I may end up just making some boxes for this year, but what has me stumped more than anything is: if you look at the finished picture, where my arrow points to -- that is the part that I don't have and I don't know what it's mounted to. Is this coming up vertically from the deck and only a spacer (fibreglassed in place?) between the vertical piece and the hull -- maybe to be used as a shelf later?
The seat bases are supposed to be removable for access -- the battery charger and battery are behind there along with a few other items of interest.
I'm thinking maybe the guy that started this project was even more clueless than I am and those pieces that he GLUED to the hull are either not supposed to be there at all, are in the wrong place or are the wrong size.
I haven't the faintest how to work with fibreglass, (haven't even seen it since teenage years and car repair times) but I'm going to have to learn for this winter or next spring I guess
Any specific ideas on that bracket mounting piece? THanks.