1974 Mercury 115hp I6 2 stroke lower unit put back in help

Jun 5, 2022
Uuuhhh I can’t really see them from the outside I just see the spark plugs, so take apart the plate that covers the back side so I can see the carbs? Sorry for being dumb
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Supreme Mariner
May 24, 2004
On yours the Distributor will block the Top Carb but the bottom two will be visible. The throttle shafts run vertically through the carbs and you can observe their rotation. Ignore the Arrows
Jun 5, 2022
ok I see what you mean by throttle plates, yes all thats moving i was just not pushing the stick forward enough. is it normal to have to push it waaaayyy forward or should i adjust the cables a little bit? also where would i ask about a water pump question? i have a video of it running and the wheep hole only has some water running out of it not alot but its just idling not under rev so not sure if that has part to do with it as well as some water coming out of the lower vent holes. thanks again guys for helping me out im a little slow but figure it out at some point lol


Supreme Mariner
May 24, 2004
On these Engines, all the Timing Advance Occurs with next to no opening of the Carbs, the last bit of Throttle Lever movement is where all the GO GO happens. The MerControl of the Era wasn't very Linear and helped increase that Perception.
The Throttle Cable Length is adjusted after the Idle Speed is Set. So whenever the Idle Speed is adjusted, the Cable has to be unanchored, once it the Speed is correct, the Throttle Cable Length is adjust to put a Slight Preload against the Idle Screw Stop. Too much Preload and the Engine becomes hard to shift in-out of Gear, too little or none, and the Idle Speed will be Inconsistent.
Now you can pay attention to one the Arrows in the Pic. The yellow one points to where the Throttle Cable is Anchored, and Adjusted. The Red one is, on later engines to set the Idle Speed. On Yours, it is set up my the Distributor
Jun 5, 2022
ok so maybe i should test it on the water first and see how she preforms before trying to mess with tuning and timing lol thank you all again so much help thank you thank you