1972 Evinrude 85 Hp outboard....


Vice Admiral
Dec 5, 2007
Re: 1972 Evinrude 85 Hp outboard....

Good for your son! I love to see the young ones dig into the motors and learn how to fix them.

Today was day three of the SAR - two young men (16 & 18) who had zero boating experience, no PFDs, no motor on the boat. They decided to go fishing in an aluminum flatboat and launched it on the south shore of Lake Ponchartrain with a SE wind blowing, at four o'clock in the afternoon. The boat was found with no passengers late in the day on Monday, about 16 miles away. I'm not sure of total assets today but yesterday we had 21 boats and two aircraft involved.

Just to keep this somewhat on topic - I used the '69 6hp most of the day to work the shoreline and was again able to get into areas that the bigger boats couldn't. The old girl ran at WOT all day, sipping gas and pushing me at 4.7 mph according to the GPS. The ride back to the boat launch and command center was on a "glass smooth" lake and, aside from the task at hand, pleasant and uneventful.


Chief Petty Officer
Nov 26, 2007
Re: 1972 Evinrude 85 Hp outboard....

that is a big lake,

spent my last days as a civilian in teribone parish, houma la.

hope the boys show up, wet and hungry. That shallow lake can get nasty in a hurry.
Good luck to locating them.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 9, 2008
Re: 1972 Evinrude 85 Hp outboard....

Today was day three of the SAR - two young men (16 & 18) who had zero boating experience, no PFDs, no motor on the boat. They decided to go fishing in an aluminum flatboat and launched it on the south shore of Lake Ponchartrain with a SE wind blowing, at four o'clock in the afternoon. The boat was found with no passengers late in the day on Monday, about 16 miles away. I'm not sure of total assets today but yesterday we had 21 boats and two aircraft involved.

Just wondering; I'm in Kenner and live about a mile from the lake. Zero boating experience. I see flatboats out there all the time and most of them smaller than mine (19'). I know flatboats aren't made for boating in what really is a small sea, but how bad is it? I didn't catch that story. I would think mine could handle the lake when there was lilttle chop and I have a 70 'rude.

Well anyway, I haven't taken it out yet. I am waiting on getting my registration stickers and all. You seem like you are in local boating enforcement. What is the penalty for someone operating a boat with only a bill of sale, copy of registration application(signed), motor title, but an expired registration sticker?

I am anxious to take this boat out to the spillway and make sure the motor is going to run and that the hull is good. I plan on spending like maybe 30 minutes in the water, and just hope not to get a fine, with my 2002 registration sticker. I do have everything from PFDs to flares and an air horn, just can't wait for my new stickers, I have to take it out. Sure yall understand.

novice boater54

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 20, 2008
Re: 1972 Evinrude 85 Hp outboard....

Any body seen Joe Reeves I was talking to him for a while Re: problems with a 69 85HP (Model# 85ESL69E) Johnson which may have a bad pulse pack or coil or both. Does anyone know how to reconfigure or replace the pulse pack and the coil with an automotive type and wire it up and waht all is required such as a condensor n' stuff which shoulod be quite a bit cheaper.
I've followed most of the tests I can do with the test equipment I ha e (volt/ohm meter test light continuity light etc.) but I still don't get spark. It ran when I got it for a bout 3minutes then died and haven't had it running since. Would like to try this beast out with my 17' fiberglass boat this season yet?


Chief Petty Officer
Nov 29, 2007
Re: 1972 Evinrude 85 Hp outboard....

I have a article on how to convert it to a automotive ignition system. pm me with your email and I will send it to you.