1970 60hp johnson

Jan 4, 2002
Ok my brother, father and I have been working on this thing for two days, we've never had it running. First we were getting no fire, after a lot of trouble shooting we found a bad place in the black and white wire that runs from the CDI box to the points. We fially got spark.<br /><br />So here is the new problem. to get to the points we took the flywheel off, then the "distributer cap?"(first time i've seen one of them under a flywheel) under that is what I would call a rotor button. Well of course this wouldn't be held in place with a keyway or anything like it, What it seems to do is turn by a washer like spring that presses against the flywheel when it is torqued down. Anyway, assuming that that is the way it works, I dont know how to set the timing on it, and I think that may be why it is not running(it won't even kick).<br /><br />So I did what anybody that has encountered something like this before would do. I set the #1 piston on top deat center, and pointed the distributer cap to the corresponding wire(which just happened to be the same as lining it up with the key in the crank) Still Nothing. Another strange thing is that when we are cranking it over if I advance the timing I will lose spark. If anyone can help me with this I will be eternally grateful :) Thanks


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: 1970 60hp johnson

Howdy 'Trippin. That point-timed, CD ignition system is different than any other I have worked on, and it has been years since I touched one of them.<br /><br />My recommendation is to go to a library and check out a service manual. Mine is a Harold Glenn version and it is a little vague on the static ignition timing. I am afraid if I tried to use it to guide you we would both end up frustrated.<br /><br />One thing you can check without the manual that may help: The points are set at .010, not .020 like every other OMC ever made.<br /><br />Good luck.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB :)


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: 1970 60hp johnson

LSD (for short), I have never been inside of one of them. But I just can't imagine the rotor not keyed or fastened hard to the shaft. It sounds like a simular setup to those on the old (70's) Merc inline distributor engines, in that they break at the weakest link,which is the plastic center of the rotor. When this happens to a Merc, it dies right there. Then,when you remove the cap,you can take a finger and turn the rotor around on the cam. The only way to fix this on a merc is to replace the whole shaft/rotor assmbly.<br />I sure hope this Johnyrude isn't simular to it. But don't asume it was meant to be like that. Like J.B. said, you will need the manual to be sure. On an engine ths old, you might luck-out, and find a replacement in a boat yard. Or at least be able to compare it with what you have uncovered.


Dec 14, 2001
Re: 1970 60hp johnson

Hi hallucitrippin.<br />I own a 68 55hp Johnson. Basicly the same engine. I have been having challenges with it also. You realy need a manual. Parts for this ignition system are not cheep! The rotor is made of bakealite matieral. The hub of this rotor has an index nub in it. This nub indexes rotor to crank shaft(like a rotor in a car). Sounds to me like yours is broken.Inspect very closely the rotor cap for cracks and test for leakage. I had alot of good help from this forum on this subject. Be carefull not to harm your CD box (its refered to as an amplifer).If you think it's just a rotor they are easy to install. Do as many tests as you can. They are easier to do than explain (for me anyway).I am still sorting out problems with mine and I think I've about got it! We'll see. Anyway keep after it! Good luck. <br /> P.S. Mr Clanton was able to send me imfo. you could use.


Rear Admiral
Oct 2, 2001
Re: 1970 60hp johnson

Senor Hallucitrippin,<br />Go to "Ken Cook Marine Publication" web site. They have the factory manual for the '70 Johnson 60hp Model nrs. 60ES70-60ESL70.<br />G'luck 'n c/6<br /><br />hooty
Jan 4, 2002
Re: 1970 60hp johnson

Thanks for all of the replies. I'm pretty sure that the rotor button is not broken. I will check again to make sure, but when I was looking it over earlier I could find no evidence that there was ever anything to make it spin with the crank.<br /><br />JB Cornwell, If you have a scanner could you scan and email me the pages that apply to this, The local library isn't that great here, I and I seriuosly doubt that they have a manual. And I dont mean to be cheap, But I hate to go buy the manual if all I need it for is to set the timing.<br /><br />Also, this is my first time on the board and it is great, Thanks everybody for the help
Jan 4, 2002
Re: 1970 60hp johnson

ohh... I did a search for ken cook marine publication with no success, do you have a web site or url?